Monday, November 28, 2005

So...what should we talk about?

…From one of the greatest villains in movie History comes a Monday rambling that is chalk full of intrigue:

First, I’d be remiss to spend some time discussing the National Football League and signs that teams that have the “look of destiny” in their eye:
Thursday’s Matchup’s: Detroit vs. Atlanta…really not much to say here except that I believe that in my lifetime I will see a St. Louis type championship run from the Lions…and I believe it starts at approximately 2013, so stay tuned…
Dallas vs. Denver: I don’t know how many more level 3 kicks to the junk I can take from this team, it seems to be getting a little easier since the Huskies stopped playing: let’s count Dallas’s true record 7-4, now let’s see what that record is if we add in two under 30 field goals and a cover 2 defense in the course of three games: 10-1…but I digress, hat’s go off to Denver playing a solid game and sticking to season plan of having anybody but Snake win the game for them, however…I don’t think they have the Defensive tools to win like Baltimore(02?) in the playoffs and can they overcome their demons in the HoosierDome ? Stay tuned….

Yesterday: Perhaps some of you remember my teams-on-the-Destiny-March post from a couple of weeks ago, but yesterday’s game at Qwest field will be presented as Exhibit A right next to Bledsoe’s pick to finish the Dallas game…In a league where skill, practice and a host of other tangible elements dictate the winners from the losers, there really is no other way to explain three missed FG’s in a row…(this apparently goes with the theme that the NFC East shall not be allowed to use FG’s to win football games)… could it be that the Seattle 11 have finally come into the good graces of the Football gods? Is Seattle the next check mark on the list following Denver, New England, Baltimore/Cleveland, St. Louis/LA and Tampa Bay? I have no idea, this is the first time I’ve seen a team outplayed for the final 20 minutes and still pull a W out….Stay Tuned….

Weekend: Spent the extended weekend with the good people of British Columbia and like always have the application for citizenship sitting in front of me trying to come up with 5 reasons why I like my country more than theirs: so here’s a Monday top 5 about why I like the US, although this shirt my negate this list:

5-NFL/College Football vs. CFL/Hockey—yes…yes…although this is starting to change after watching the Grey Cup last night (Kudos to the Eskimo’s for beating the juggernaut that is the Alleoutes) …and from a playing perspective, the CFL rules make for a much more exciting game, with heavy emphasis on a quality QB and WR’s, I’ll say an acceptable Arena version of the old game…but, American Football got to me early and there really is no going back, however I believe living in Vancouver you get a lot of Seattle TV, so really you don’t miss much, except…

4-ESPN vs. TSN: hard to imagine a world w/o the worldwide leader, but this is a reality for 31 million Canadians…however I believe with a satellite dish this dilemma could be avoided

3-Coins: what does 4.50 feel like in Canadian dollars? Well a heavy pocket of change of course…I like the useless feeling of have 4 crumpled bills instead, that just might turn out to be a $5-er or maybe a $10

2-Bowling: ok, so the ball is a quarter the size any there’s only 5 pins? And they’re smaller too? sir, give me big ball and big pins w/ massive amounts of Midwestern beer to boot….

1-Where’s all the Guns at eh?- how can you call yourself a democracy when you don’t actively know what the person driving next to you has underneath the passenger seat…say what you want, but the old US way of street justice works just fine with me…”fear…fear of this battle station will keep the local galaxies in line”…not just a meaningless phrase, but the basis for the American Political and Social Ethos, maybe in a couple of years we can work on our Northern Neighbors to adobe a little more fear in the society so they can understand what it means to be a world power!!!!

Anyway…besides that, I’m missing my Northern Cousin’s all ready and can’t wait to head back eh, boot for now, I can only hope that they adopt some of my changes mentioned above


Blogger Train said...

Thursday football action…
My only comment on the Lions game is that man it is going to be a cold Super Bowl this year. After seeing the outside shots of Ford Field I thought I can just see a huge ice storm/blizzard on the day of the game. This makes we say the Super Bowl should only be played in Miami, San Diego, New Orleans and Phoenix. Just pick a site and rotate from there…
Cowboys vs. Broncos – Just a good game, the Broncos really have a much underrated defense. There d-Line is producing more hurries, sacks, run stuffs then I have seen in a long, long time. There backers are so fast. This was encompassed in DJ Williams cross the field sprint through traffic to stuff of Julius Jones for no gain. The man came out of nowhere to get the tackle. It was amazing. My jaw literally dropped. That being said I still think they are suspect at DB. I don’t see a rookie DB (all be it a very good rookie) going into the RCA dome and stopping insert Colts wide out here … Jimmy’s boys are pretty good themselves. Anyone could have won that game and it probably should have been the boy’s but when you have a history or getting kickers who can’t produce you don’t deserve to win. I have to say that Demarcus Ware is player and he will be a force for years to come. I have to give a shout out to Dat Nguyen. Still the only Vietnamese player in the NFL... We love you kid. Speaking of foreign players who would have thought that Eugene Chung (the only Chinese player to play in the NFL) would have been a bust. I thought the Patriots had someone there.

Red Friday…. All I saw all day was a sea of red with a big friggin’ N in the middle…. My annual after Turkey day football game that for some reason is still on national TV the Colorado vs. Nebraska game. The red letter game that looked to be a blow out for the buffs who had a 14 point line advantage going into the game but hey that is why Vegas makes the rules and why they play the game. Nebraska decided to have a coming out party in Boulder. What a time for Callahan to but the pieces together on the West Coast Big Red. That was my collective kick to the junk for the week….. I felt like I was transported back to the Nebraska Hey day minus the wishbone and full back up the middle for 3 straight plays. Oh, but wait the mediocre BIG 12 north story gets even better. It is kind of like watching a CSI New York episode, all the parts are there but you just know it is going to blow up in the end. Somehow my beloved buffs who did there best Jenna Jamison impression and manage to do the ultimate back door entry for the second straight year with Iowa St. losing in overtime to Mangino’s Pesky Jayhawks. PS: have you seen this Mangino guy they may has be be a candidate for the next celebrity “biggest Loser” on NBC. So, now I get to watch next week the buffs get a second helping of Vince Young in a championship game they have no right to be in.

Seahawks sell soul to devil –
You must have something going when you get the opposing kicker to miss 3 make able field goals. Feely gets the Greg Norman choke award on Sunday. The hawks had no business winning that game. They were out played and there defense showed that they are outmanned. Jeremy Shockey is a big guy I would think that they could at least put a man on him. I saw a little too many holes in that zone defense. I have to say I am not sold on the Hawks just as I am not sold on the Broncos. I think a win on the road in Philly even though Philly is done this will go along way to show they can win on the road in a national game. The last two weeks have been about what I thought the hawks would be a team that can put up some points but has a defense that can’t put the clamps on. I will say that 13 false start fouls caused by the 12th man was a nice touch. At some point I thought I was watching a bloopers real I half expected Mike Golic to pop out tell us we were watching Extreme sports bloopers. Oh and speaking of big guys – the original Goose Tony S was standing in the Fox’s “Prison Break” section which had fans dressed in prison jump suits, what was that about what fans sold out to do Fox’s bidding. I want there seats revoked. That was just sad. Apparently I missed the boat on the whole Prison Break show but I am sure that the Dude has it all taped so he can fill me in.

So how many votes for the Hall did the Playmaker lose yesterday??? – Officer it isn’t mine I swear to you… even if it wasn’t his why do you put it in your car oh and pay your traffic tickets dude.

So the Mooch era is over in Detroit… And Dick Juron is there to save the day. Why fire an ineffective coach for another ineffective coach?

Top 5 reasons I like Canada

1: universal Health Care
2: gun control
3: they have drug laws but come on it’s Canada
4: Evangeline Lilly ( Kate on Lost)
5: Bob and Doug McKenzie

Top 5 reason I like the USA

1: The Constitution
2: Because freedom cost a buck’o five
3: NFL football
4: I can go to a warmer climate during the winter and still be in the USA
5: Coors

Mon Nov 28, 12:19:00 PM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

Side note #1
Saturdays Hawk Game.

With the Hawks up 7-3 Manning threw a "touchdown pass" to Jeremy Shockey. Marquand Manuel laid out Shockey with a disruptive hit that would have even made the Hammer envious. Shockey did not have two feet down and the play should have been ruled an incomplete pass. whatever the ruling, that was a great play by Marquand Manuel and showed a "never stop till the whistle" attitude that seems to follow teams of destiny.

Side note #2.
Hawks/Eagles. Monday night. Joe will be on his honeymoon putting dents in the hotel headboard. Do I forsee a gathering of the remaining group to watch the Hawks lone Monday night appearance?

Side note #3
Michael Irvin. If it wasnt your pipe, then you are the dumbest man is history.

Mon Nov 28, 12:36:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

I am down for a MNF lodge meeting.

Mon Nov 28, 12:46:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Yeah...I'm down with a MNF gathering next week...might be a good time to show off the new Lodge to Mr. Goose...

Man Train, I completely forgot to comment on Friday's game, came back from snowboarding all day and wanted to catch up on some scores and because they had KOMO in Whistler wanted to see about the destiny Buffs, and as always the CU fans showed an extra touch of class for the national audience, it always makes me feel better that over the last 5 years, even though the UW has been mired in losing and controversy, there's one University that can still top them, but hey they keep going to bowl games so I guess they are one up on us....

Side note to the Big 12 North...I was really pulling for the Cyclones to pull this off, and actually watched the 1st half of the game in Lawerence, as with a lot of games from the Big 12, I can't decide if the defense is really good or its just really bad football?...maybe someone can help me out with that, are you telling me that 85% of the NAIA QB's aren't better than the hack Kansas throughout behind center, I need answers....

Goose...the hit was special, as was Taglibue and the NFL's agreement that the Giants will be in the 2005/6 playoffs "By Any Means Necessary"...

Mon Nov 28, 12:57:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Train, if the Hawks sold their souls to the devil, does that mean that Eugene Levy has visited Holmgren in the past few months?

Great observation on the 12th man effect during yesterdays game, I'm surprised that little Eli Manning wasn't used to the noise, but it probably reflects Tom Coughlin's coaching more than anything.

And Goose... yes, I'm preparing to test some boxsprings next week. Good times will be had. Can't wait.

Mon Nov 28, 01:20:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Big 12 North equals bad Offense's and a mix of teams that don't have a winning history. Colorado had the best offense in the conference and best defense so that should tell you something right there. As to your comment on the talent level at Kansas, Iowa st and so on. I think it has to do with history. I am sure a kid who is getting offeres from Kansas vs. Northern Iowa is going to take the Northen Iowa gig even though they are D-2. Northern Iowa actually makes the NCAA playoffs far better than a 3-9 Jayhawk team.

Joe, I am glad you got the comment on the hawks selling there soul- those have to be the best commercials ever done for a sports team.
PS... Joe no one wants to know about your bedroom acrobatics but since it is your wedding....Flip it, smack it, rub it down ooooohhhh, noooooo.....

Mon Nov 28, 01:39:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nice, Train. "You can do me in the morning... You can do me in the night... You can do me when you wanna do me..."

Sorry, I guess I watched one to many episodes of "Being Bobby Brown", and yes, one episode is probably too many of that show. The lady likes the drama though, and apparently she won't watch anything unless it's running on MTV, MTV2, Bravo or E!. Women are nuts.

Mon Nov 28, 02:26:00 PM PST  

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