Tuesday, November 29, 2005

T.O. a HOF?

So I'm at work, taking a break while reading Peter King's Monday Morning QB (Tuesday Edition) and he makes a bold statement by saying, "As disturbed as he is, I would lean right now to saying yes, I think Terrell Owens is a Hall of Famer." Wow.

Seriously, let's tackle this quandry. Does a man's character play a part into whether or not said player is a HOF? The numbers certainly back up Mr. King's statement. T.O. has 10535 yds receiving and has caught 101 TDs. Those are more yards than Lance Alworth, Raymond Berry & Fred Biletnikoff. Owens has scored more touchdowns than all of the previously mentioned + 1 more than Steve Largent's 100 TDs -- and Largent did that in 14 seasons -- while Owens has played 10 seasons. All of the previously mentioned are current HOF's. So does T.O. get in? You can't question his toughness? But you can question his character and integrity.

photo photo photo

Side note: Jimbo, what do you think about the rumor that your own Dallas Cowboys are currently the most likely club to sign T.O. following his release this coming offseason? Would the Redskins make such a move? The Broncos? I know the Hawks wouldn't after the Koren Robinson troubles the past couple of years. But it's funny that you could see the Boys, Skins & Co's all signing Owens.


Blogger Jimbo said...

Another quality post Joe 2.0...

First, the question of whether or not TO deserves the Hall. As discussed here yesterday, winning is looked upon as the highest criteria followed by stats and longevity coming in second and third. As much as it pains me to say it, I believe TO, via all three of those previous criteria deserves the HOF.

Now, that being said, it’s worth mentioning that character, as important as it is to fans, and the game, is not weighed as a major criteria to the Hall. For example, there is little doubt that LT(1.0) was the greatest if not one of the top 3 LB's of all-time, very little evidence to argue against this, but go ahead and try. It is my opinion though that his character and disrespect for substance abuse during his playing days disgraced the game and the fans. This did not however prevent him from being a first ballot inductee. There is very little that one can find in arguing that TO’s problems, while they are great, have disgraced the character of the game. While I might not approve of the approach that he takes in communicating his thoughts to his team and the league, I by no means feel that it takes away from his abilities as a player. Which leads to the next discussion, which is: Can a team/coach in the NFL deal with TO? And could this have been prevented?

If anyone read SG’s rant siding with TO following his dismissal than this might be a tad bit of redundancy, but nevertheless. At some point in his HS/College/NFL career TO was not the player that he is now…and what really is the difference, he wants to be compensated for his level of contribution, much like anybody in the business world who is underpaid for their specific field, well what happened to make that change. My take is the coaches and teams that he’s played with lack the ability to manage a player like TO. I cite Keyshawn as the closest example that the NFL can find: and basically it comes down to w/ Parcells and w/o Parcells. Marucci suffered from losing Steve Young, which began a downward spiral of less than dominant QB’s trying to use TO. The same thing occurred in Philly, let me give you this image: would P. Manning, Brady, Favre dare say Vick allow TO to throw them under the bus? And do you think Bellicheck, Dungy, Parcells, Schottenheimer, Holgrem, Shannahan, Gruden, Gibbs, Cohwer etc would allow a distraction like what happened in the off-season to continue and completely throw the entire season in the tank? The point that I’m trying to get to is that teams with confidence at the coaching position and QB don’t allow situations like this to get out of hand, quality GM’s understand the need for cohesion and a team atmosphere, and while TO was in SF w/ Young, and last season w/ the Eagles you saw how valuable TO is.

To finish this extremely long thread that should be its own post, would I like to see TO in Dallas next season, you bet your ass on it. Would I like to see TO in Dallas next season w/o Parcells as the coach, no f’n way. My lack of citing Bledsoe in that previous list of QB’s that won’t allow themselves to be thrown under a bus, makes me nervous about the possibility of TO wearing the Star. That, and the memory of the dance is still fresh in my mind, still the best play that George Teague ever made, even if he didn’t wrap up.

TO’s a HOF, the sooner you get used to it, the sooner we can all get on w/ our lives.

Tue Nov 29, 11:49:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

First off nice picture of the Grey Cup Champs.

Second Joe, this 2.0 thing is looking good. I love what you have brought to the blog. Lets just see how you before a few weeks from now after the whole I want to be back on the team thing wears off...I have faith

Now to T.O. It pains me to admit that I do believe he would get in based on his stats along with the fact he is one of the most dominate wideouts of his time. Right now his actions off the field are keeping him out. I beleive that if he can keep his head in check where ever he goes next and he keeps producing he should get in. He has solid numbers.
I don't want him in Denver. He would never fit in. Talk about a big fish in a little pond. There would be trouble right off the bat. Mike Shannahan has tried the repair a players image shtick and it just backfired (Denard Walker) . I think he will go to Dallas. Things are big in texas his ego will have roam to roam. The Tuna has something in his DNA that allows him to keep ego's in check. Could you image a locker room with Glenn, Johnson and Owens?

Tue Nov 29, 11:56:00 AM PST  
Blogger The Dude said...

I'm goin' to have to agree with the group. Number wise...he is a HOFer. I want to look at a deserving player that hasn't made the hall yet. A little player, and I should get Goose's attention named Art Monk. He has 940 receptions and 12,721. Averaging 13.5 yards per catch but only has 68 TDs. He also played 15 years. Is this player not worthy of the Hall. Added note, he is among the league's top 50 all time in receptions (5), receiving yards (9), receiving TDs (29t) and Yards from scrimmage (26). I think he should get consideration before a player like TO. Not to mention play the game like it should have been played.

Again, TO is Hall worthy but lets get another player that is more deserving first.

Tue Nov 29, 01:11:00 PM PST  
Blogger The Dude said...

I don't know anything about this 2.0 reference...could you break it down for a non computer geek?

Tue Nov 29, 01:11:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

If you don't know about 2.0 than I can't tell you...you'll just have to pay closer attention and buy some new box springs

Tue Nov 29, 01:40:00 PM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

Do I have to say TO is a HOF player?

I would have to say yes, as much as it pains me. Besides his stats which Jimbo expertly placed in the blog....you have to add in the NFL Record intangible.

What record do you say? It has been forgotten that TO is the record holder for most receptions in an NFL game. On December 17 2000, Owens set an NFL record with 20 catches for 283 yards against the Chicago Bears, surpassing a 50-year-old mark held by Tom Fears. 50 YEAR OLD MARK! In a decade of rolling coverage, cover 2, and specialization, this was an incredible record and is nearly impossible to do even in a Madden game.

Plus he did this during Jerry Rices last home game in SF. Talk about passing the torch.

It hurts, it makes me throw up a little in my mouth, and it goes against my moral fibers...but here it goes

Terell Owens should be in the Hall of Fame.

*Sounds of dry heaving*

Tue Nov 29, 05:40:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Goose, this was my blog by the way. Anyhoo, you didn't mention if you'd like the Skins to make a move for T.O. in the offseason. Would you want your team taking a shot at him? After he denied Baltimore a few years back, it would make a good story going back to the Maryland/Virginia area playing for Skins.

Wed Nov 30, 08:59:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

hmmm, after reading Goose's response to the TO HOF questions and the ensuing dry heaving Im going out on a limb to say that Goose would never alow that man to set foot on a field in a Skins uni.. Goose is old school

Wed Nov 30, 12:11:00 PM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

You get credit for nothing until you Bring it week after week. Its Jimmys lodge, he gets credit.

Right now you are Tommy Tutone 8675309...you are a one hit wonder until you prove otherwise

As for TO on the Skins. Snyder would do it...but that doesnt mean I have to like it. I think he'll end up in big D, where I can hate him even more

Wed Nov 30, 12:51:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, I'm just saying you gave credit to Jim when he didn't even put the said stats in the post since I wrote it. Nonetheless, it doesn't matter.

I understand I supposedly need to "prove" my worth to the team, and I've brought the noise so far. One quality post a week that includes delightful photos and insightful opinion. Which begs the question. Does anybody use spellcheck anymore? Seriously, and where are the images? Besides Jimbo who almost always includes a picture or two, no one seems to reflect any html or even basic computer knowledge. I expect more from you guys & this "Jayne" girl.

Wed Nov 30, 12:59:00 PM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

Jayne may be a girls name...but Jayne aint a girl. Sure I'm probably the only one who even knows where the name comes from, but just take my word for it.

Wed Nov 30, 01:09:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

ouch...I would like to know the origins of the name, unless its depressing, than I really don't...I think you should dedicate a post to it...and Joe 2.0, nobody is taking props away from you, I like what your bringing so just keep it up...and photos are always a bonus...I'm working with Train right now on the photo thing...

Wed Nov 30, 01:34:00 PM PST  

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