Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Good idea or against the law

This morning as I was getting ready to educate the youth of America, I heard this story on a local sports radio station.

According to a Investigators, a motor home was converted to an adult dancing club. Women charged between $20 to $40 dollars depending on the service. A couple of women were also charged with engaging in sex as part of their show.

So which brings up the question...Was this illegal? Or just a new way to entertain during tailgating? I think a few more people might be interested in tailgating if they new the Deja Vu was providing a motor home in the parking lot. It also brings up the point, did the Bucs know about this throughout the year and decided to do nothing about it. I'm interested to hear some thoughts. A little side not to 'That Guy, Wednesday.


Blogger Jimbo said...

Love-Shack Wednesday More like-it...against the law? probably in every state excluding Louisiana or Florida(don't forgot Nevada)...excellent business model? definitely, I can tell you that Husky stadium would've been sold out for every game including Idaho this year if mobile deja-vu was there...sometimes the Dirty South surprises even me...

Wed Nov 30, 09:00:00 AM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

I'm the MCP and I approve this message.

Wed Nov 30, 10:04:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

In the wake of all the disasters that ravaged the south they need to be cut a little slack. There are a lot of pent up feelings that need to be let out in any way they can. Look at it as a service to the community sort of a FEMA outreach program. I mean it's all about the kids isn't it?

I believe this is what America was founded on.. They need to be given the Capitalist of the Year award or at least some sponserships for local doublewide dealerships.

Wed Nov 30, 11:51:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

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Wed Nov 30, 11:51:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

If you add this to the Carolina Panthers lesbian cheerleader story, I think we may need to do a road trip through the NFC south next year.

Fly into Atlanta. Rent a car are go to games in Carolina, Tampa, Atlanta and well....maybe San Antonio/New Orleans

Wed Nov 30, 12:55:00 PM PST  
Blogger The Dude said...

I wonder if the cheerleaders visited the RV at the Bucs game against Carolina??? Just a thought!

Wed Nov 30, 02:33:00 PM PST  

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