Friday, March 02, 2007

Geek News You Can Use

Poster Time

Been a while since I’ve posted about a movie poster (much to the joy of 2.0), but this is just cool...

Insurance Salesmen: The Series

This has just got to be a sign of the apocalypse...
Apparently ABC is developing a TV series around the Geico cavemen. According to “variety”,"Cavemen" will revolve around three pre-historic men who must battle prejudice as they attempt to live as normal thirtysomethings in modern Atlanta.”

This just screams creatively bankrupt, doesn’t it?

Coming Soon to a Theater Near You

If you’re gonna see a ‘big’ movie, there’s only one theater in Seattle worth seeing it at: Cinerama. The bummer is that they only have 1 screen, and they have a tendency to hold on to movies longer than they should. It looks like they might be finally learning from this mistake.

Currently the theater is showing “Ghost Rider”, but they have announced that next Friday they will begin showing “300”, and following that will be “Grindhouse” beginning on April 6.

I can’t think of two better movies coming out over the next month to show at that theater.

German Zombie Sex Comedy!

Waaaay back in the day, when I listed my top 10 films of 2005, I mentioned a flick called “Night of the Living Dorks”. It was a midnight screening at the Seattle International Film Festival, and that’s the only time it was ever shown in this state.

Well, thankfully, Anchor Bay picked up the DVD distribution rights, and the film is finally out on DVD.

I totally recommend checking it out. It’s not high art, but it’s a really funny, silly and enjoyable movie, and absolutely worth at least a rental (or you can just borrow my copy).


Blogger seatownshawn said...

I totally want to see looks crazy.

My wife and I have to get on the ball and see some flicks....we still haven't seen 'Borat' OR 'The Departed'....and I would like to see 'Breach' & 'Zodiac'....

Fri Mar 02, 10:28:00 AM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

What have you seen then?

Fri Mar 02, 10:36:00 AM PST  
Blogger seatownshawn said...

The inside of my office and the library.....that's about it for the last few months.

After this exam and a couple research papers next week I'll be back on the least for a little while.

Fri Mar 02, 10:45:00 AM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, and I don't mind posters... as long as they aren't super huge and there is text and some though behind the post. An image isn't a post. Give me some opinions already! Like this post... well done.

Fri Mar 02, 10:54:00 AM PST  
Blogger theDUKE said...

300 the movie looks to be better than the graphic novel. The cinematography takes the visual graphics look over the top. waiting and angst for epic battles is almost too much. i'm going to go cube-stalking witha sharpened pencil...

Fri Mar 02, 11:04:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

I have to say I am interested in seeing ZODIAC. I really don't think you can go wrong with the cast and Director. Plus the story about the ZODIAC killer is one of the best serial killings of all time. Never found and not many clues behind it... He's right up there with Jack the Ripper

"Hello this is the Zodiac"

I watched a documentry on him on A&E when I was about 12 and they kept playing a voice recording of the killer and I had nightmares about it for two weeks

Fri Mar 02, 11:27:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

ummm...German Zombie Sex Comedy?...last time I checked...Germans don't "Do" Comedy...but I'll check it out for the Z factor...

Grindhouse will be a Lodge Outing...mark it...

Fri Mar 02, 11:48:00 AM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

I was surprised too by that. I really didn't think it'd be all that funny, but it really is.

Just the sight of seeing a series of zombies dancing to a german punk rock version of "Thriller" alone makes it worth seeing.

Fri Mar 02, 11:51:00 AM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

Looks like Jake Plummer is headed for retirement instead of being stuck as Chris Simms backup...

Fri Mar 02, 12:17:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

I can't understand why he wouldn't want to just sit back and collect $$$ as a backup...

I did like the Broncos trade w/ the Lions for Dre Bly. Shores up the DB situation. They did give up a lot for him but nothing that wasn't replacable.

Word is the Broncos are concentrating on Willis Mgehee.

Fri Mar 02, 12:31:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

you have to think Denver is a tough sell to football players this off-season...good luck to Bly

Fri Mar 02, 01:21:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

"you can't buy tradition"

Fri Mar 02, 01:34:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tough sell to anybody but Magahee... because it's probably a step up from Buffalo.

Fri Mar 02, 01:58:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

He is going to go from one Cold city to anohther.... I can't see a Miami man doing that.

Fri Mar 02, 02:48:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

True. But thugs seem to flock to Denver. And he fits the bill.

Fri Mar 02, 02:50:00 PM PST  
Blogger seatownshawn said...

Looks like the word on the street is that the Seahawks are going to do whatever it takes to keep Kris Dielman in town.....they flew down and picked him up and I don't think they are going to let him leave without a deal.....

I think it's gonna take "Hutch"-money....

Fri Mar 02, 03:42:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Is there a joke that I'm not getting CTown...or am I that out of touch with the NFL?...never heard of this cat Dielman...

Fri Mar 02, 03:46:00 PM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

The Dielman signing would be huge!!! I would love to see that signing! And he's young, which you have to love.
I heard we're looking at $6-$7 million a year w/up to a $12 million signing bonus. I guarantee if that deal is signed than D-Jack is guaranteed to traded.

Fri Mar 02, 03:53:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Word is that Cat Dielman is the reason LT broke the TD record this year...

Fri Mar 02, 03:54:00 PM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

Just saw this headline:

Patriots release Corey Dillon. Not a huge shock, but noteworthy none the less

Fri Mar 02, 04:37:00 PM PST  
Blogger seatownshawn said... we are on the first night of free agency and two of the top guards are off the market.....for Hutch-type money.....Eric Steinbach and Derrick Dockery. This is all based on "sources" right now, but it illustrates the need for the HAWKS to sign Dielman tomorrow. If he leaves town...he's gone. We need to protect Matt...bottom line...and with Spence and Simms coming up.....we are only solidifying our athleticism in the front.

Fri Mar 02, 09:44:00 PM PST  
Blogger seatownshawn said...

Oh...and it appears as though the HAMMER, aka 'stop sign', is going to meet with the Saints....

...where's GOOSE....first day of free agency and things are underway! We'll have about a week of football news in March and then nothing for about 4 months.....

Fri Mar 02, 09:47:00 PM PST  

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