Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Freak of the Decade - Seung

I'm just finishing watching the Virginia Tech Convocation memorial live via net. Closing remarks were given by African American poet and Virginia Tech Professor Nikki Giovanni. This tragedy was ended and marked by her continual emphasis "We are Virginia Tech, we are better than we think... we are ALIVE... through our blood and tears... we are the hokies. we will prevail. We are Virginia Tech."

A standard google image search of Cho Seung Hui pulls up Korean popstars. But we know today that a messed up English student who got mad at his girlfriend went and destroyed a whole school and marked the worst event in College Campus history. Seung Hui wasn't a popstar. He was a person on edge who needed psychological help and was able to buy a pistol at a local gunshop. Yesterday, Korean news reported a korean student shot and the first assumption being: Commenting on reports that the killer was Asian, Lee said it was unlikely to have been Korean since few Korean students have weapons due to the difficulty of obtaining a gun license. But Seung was American having lived here since 1992 and growing up in the U.S. in an environment and society that creates Columbine and school shootings all the same.

Seung purchased his first handgun for $571 with ammo legally under federal and state law last month. The second handgun was purchased this month Friday the 13th. A limitation of one month is needed between multiple gun purchasing. (per NBC 12:26pm)

33 people are dead. over 60 shot total. the remaining wounded... multiplied by families, friends, and a nation.

The English Students Plays
When I first heard about the multiple shootings at Virginia Tech yesterday, my first thought was about my friends, and my second thought was "I bet it was Seung Cho."

Fellow students in a playwriting class with Cho described his plays as dark and disturbing.“His writing, the plays, were really morbid and grotesque,” Stephanie Derry, a senior English major, told the campus newspaper, The Collegiate Times.

“I remember one of them very well. It was about a son who hated his stepfather. In the play, the boy threw a chainsaw around and hammers at him. But the play ended with the boy violently suffocating the father with a Rice Krispy treat,” Derry said.

Brief Family Profile and Death Note
A note believed to have been written by Cho was found in his dorm room that railed against "rich kids," "debauchery" and "deceitful charlatans" on campus.

Student Blogs - Madness on Campus (Livejournal)
Right as she picks up the phone she tells me "I got red on me" I laugh, and immediately try to find out if shes hurt or what to expect, and she lets me know that shes fine, stable, good, not hurt...only slightly.

I've been wired on this event. The eeriest accounting was that of a professor hiding out in the Engineering building of Virginia Tech.
"I heard 30-40 shots... I could see people crawling out of windows... there were shots being fired for a good half hour or so..."

Its an terrible reminder of what can happen when men get mad, when people go crazy, when people don't care about other people, when guns go off... The same could have happenned at UW two weeks ago.

Yet we must warn ourselves of a backlash. Warn ourselves to understand right and wrong. Remember what self-control is. And realize that devaluing women, disregarding other human life, and discriminating against race is going to continue.

Lots of questions again, for the incident, how it played out, and what it means for us today.

Virginia Tech Raw Video from shooting scene.

(all pictures and media from yesterday and today. 04/16-04/17.)

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Blogger Jimbo said...

you always pick the tough topics Duke, you should have a read of this article

Baker brings up some interesting points, the one I find the most interesting is that these events are the cost of individual freedom and limited government...I'm not sure I necessarily agree with Baker, but I definitely appreciate reading an outside opinion on such a tragic American issue...

Tue Apr 17, 01:42:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Zoooma said...

I will never condone what that dude did. No one should condone what he did.

But his mental illness did qualify him as a freak. People in society today, maybe someone in your own family, just because they have a severe mental illness that most of us do not understand, that does not make them a freak.

I woulda blown him away if I had the chance but that does not mean I'd previously have condemned him when what he needed was help. This is so often the problem with crime and the criminals, they often are not evil (yes many are but not all) . . . they're sick. That doesn't mean they get a pass for what they do but their heads ain't all together as they should be, as ours are.

What this dude did, though, doesn't make him a freak.

Tue Apr 17, 01:47:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

Freak: a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed
freak out: lose one's nerve; "When he saw the accident, he freaked out".
Cho Seung Hui 04.16.07: got in a fight with his girlfriend, freaked out, shot her, freaked out, shot an R.A., freaked out shot around 60 people.

Tue Apr 17, 02:00:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

but besides gun control issues, and besides societies tolerances, what really caused this event to occur? Seung was a social outcast and became psychotic. Or as I obtusely indicated: a freak. So, there is a larger issue of -- are people being treated right? are people learning about self-restraint? are people learning about compassion? are people learning to be reasonable? So in a way I agree with our guest commenter that Seung needed help. He still freaked out -- you can't say he didn't.

Tue Apr 17, 02:05:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Freak is a subjective term that I usually hold exclusively for porn stars, but that's a completely different post...I think there's a harsh reality that people are coming to grips with and what's driving the talk show culture of America...and that is:

We aren't able to change the irrational thoughts and actions of people in their late teens earlier 20's and we can't restrict their access to guns...

In every example that America gets of this repeated story line the common pattern is this:

Isoloation leads to irrationality leads to removal of value for life leads to ________ dead

I just don't think you can quantify these occurances as a "single-issue" aka Gun Laws...

Tue Apr 17, 02:24:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

Yea tottally, its a lot more than just gun law. There is a social value and learning that people are sacred that is absent from our culture. Tolerance of gun law is a product of that absence, lack of empathy from people in general is a product, apathy without action has become the norm for any problem that exists outside of ourselves.

Tue Apr 17, 02:28:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

if responsible people want to have guns - so be it. but ask the question: How many people do you know who have guns that probably shouldn't?

and really, at first I think -- I don't know anybody who even has a gun; but on second thought -- wait a ...

Tue Apr 17, 02:30:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

We all know a Puerto Rican with a short temper that owns quite a few fire arms.

Plus, a friend of me and Shawn's is a Cop in the West Seattle Ghetto (aka White Center).

Tue Apr 17, 03:13:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

it seems to me that the gun camp breaks down to the following...

85-90% Who respect the responsibility of owning a gun and take pride in the ability to dig into the 2nd Amendment...

Personally, I've never had a problem with this group and as mentioned above I believe that it references one of the major characteristics of American Culture, for good or bad...

The remaining 10% is why we have police and medical services available to the public 24 hours a day 365 days a year...I'm not sure there's anything any government could do to decrease the 10% w/o lessing the 90%...

Tue Apr 17, 03:13:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

Actually yea, government can reduce gun murders.

New York City 2006 : 579 gun deaths

All of Britain : 46 gun deaths

Handguns are illegal in the UK. There are 43 million people in England vs. only 8 million in NYC.

So if you believe that gun laws are ineffective to reducing death in a population. Then you are wrong. So go ahead and single out that extra 10% with more laws and make better laws that clarify who the other 90% should be.

Tue Apr 17, 03:25:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

where's you data from?...j/k...good point...I've been bitched slapped...however I doubt that the majority of those deaths occurred at the wrong end of legal gun purchases...so, how exactly is the "government" going to curtail illegal handgun deaths?...when the people using them are already breaking the law?...

would making handguns illegal decrease the blackmarket movement and availability of handguns?...how does that effect the 579 number...I wish the answer was as easy as making handguns illegal...I'm just not sure that it is...

Tue Apr 17, 03:39:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

Well, lets reason it out. If guns in England are illegal then there is definitely a black market in the UK. Black markets by nature are unknown and covert sales.

Also, if guns are illegal in the UK then we can assume that nearly all of the deaths in the UK are from illegal guns.

So from just the knowing those facts, we can believe that YES gun laws reduce gun death.

And your statement of whether guns are traded is irrelevant since nobody is dying, and economically thinking guns would move to where demand is needed, since demand would be decreased by inavailability; i.e. developing countries like gangs in Brazil.

Tue Apr 17, 03:51:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

Crime can exist without firearms. Dozens of countries with more stringent gun laws still have crime, it just persists differently. Asia has hardcore gangs still, but they just get into fights, prostitutes, and drugs and beat each other up more than shootings.

Tue Apr 17, 03:53:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

fair enough Duke, I'm tired of playing the NRA backer anyway...I'm still not sure that we're factoring in all reasons for handgun deaths and I don't believe you can compare the US with anywhere else WW...are they too prevelent?...should we ban them...hell yes?...is it going to happen in our lifetime...well, you know the answer to that...

Tue Apr 17, 04:04:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there were 46 deaths by handgun, how many deaths were there by other means ....aka knife,bat etc.

BTW Duke.
This was s Hall of Fame post. Well done.

Tue Apr 17, 04:06:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

Guns n' Roses is all we really need.

Tue Apr 17, 04:25:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

No...it's all about catchers gear and police hats...oh and white spandex and kilts...that's what it's all about...

Tue Apr 17, 04:31:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

and in tribute Liviu Librescu: irony, history, and heroics. Professor Librescu was a Holocaust survivor, escaped Communist Europe, and died on Holocaust Remembrance day while holding off the shooter as he yelled at students to escape. He saved several lives at the cost of his own.

Tue Apr 17, 04:31:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Train said...

Here are some stats on all homicides for USA and UK.
Recent statistics show that there were 859 homicides in England and Wales in one year (April 2004- March 2005).

This is low compared to the United States with 16,137 murders in 2004, however these are numbers which do not take different population sizes into account: a better perspective can be gained by comparing murders per year to population (1.6 murders for every hundred thousand people in England and Wales, 5.5 in the USA, and 62 in Colombia.

I don't have much more input then what's already been discussed. I just thought I would answer Gooses question on all deaths(homicides)

Stats courtesy of Fbi.com and crimestatistics.com.uk

Wed Apr 18, 08:40:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

nicely done Train...and I apologize to the NRA for being such a lame defendent...I guess my right-wing lobbying career is already shot...ohhh....ummm....no pun intended...

Wed Apr 18, 08:56:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Train said...

I think you just have your foot in both worlds Jim. Spent some time in Alaska, maybe even handled a gun? Running guns in Panama... Well maybe not the last part.

My dad owns a handgun and I personally can't even hold the thing. I just don't want to be near it.

The worst part about it is that he can't really give me a 'real' reason he needs one. It's always something about protection. In my opinion his place is actually more of a risk with it than with out it.

Wed Apr 18, 09:34:00 AM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

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Wed Apr 18, 10:29:00 AM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

so that is the reason that I chose our Biggest City NYC vs. UK which although there is a population gap, it not as massive as measuring the full U.S. scale.

Lots of people in my family have guns. Its really just a cool thing. I do worry about one my godfather's who claims to have been a counter-intel CIA asset in the philippines who fought the commies in the jungle. He has dozens of guns and is much like the crazy guy on the King of the Hill. Except he's really big and brown, and his accent is different, and he fights -- a lot. Almost like a luchador.

Wed Apr 18, 10:29:00 AM PDT  

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