Sunday, November 06, 2005

One last memory

The Black Lodge

I would have invited you all to the final game, but I know that the Husky home game was at the same time.

Nov 6th 2005
In a driving downpour and chilly tempuatures, The Newport Knights rang up 300yds rushing and over 100yds passing to clinch a 40-33 win over Skyline in the last game of the season.
The win wrote the final chapter to the coaching career of Jeff Goose Serling. While the defense was outmatched for most of the game by the Skyline offense, It came up big with 2 key 4th quarter stops that ended Skyline drives. The Knights came from behind in the 3rd quarter to take the lead, then drove the nail in the coffin with 1:00 left in the 4th.
In NFL Super Bowl Fashion. An entire bucket of ice water was lifted and dumped on the coach as the seconds ran down on the on the season. The the players and coaches embraced after the game, like a family who knew this was there last moment together. The team stayed on the field for several minutes afterwards, and just lived in the moment. The PA Announcer named the 5 seniors on the team who had played their last game before high school, then gave a warm tribute to a coach on his last day.

It was not the championship that I had strived for for many years, but the tears of joy expressed by the players is a picture I dont think I will ever get out of my head. While it wasnt the story I had begun to write this season, the fairy tail ending will forever place the 2005 Newport Knights as....A team of destiny.

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls -
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it -
I thank you all -
But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise -
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race -
And I ain't gonna lose -

The curtain falls
Fade to black


Blogger Jimbo said...

Mr. Goose, I can sense the emotion in the words, I think I speak for all members of the Lodge that were at Montlake yesterday...we would've much rather experienced a far more compelling games with actual emotion being displayed from players and coaches...congrats Mr. Goose

Sun Nov 06, 10:48:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Coach, I second Jimbo's comments. I know you give all you have each year for your team. Those kids wont forget you. I know I still remember my Pee-Wee coach. Take pride in knowing you have made all those boys better men in the years to come...

But I hope you didnt get all Dick Vermil on us...

Mon Nov 07, 09:11:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

"And these players...Jeeez.....unbelievable.."

Dont worry Train. Coach stood strong

Mon Nov 07, 10:26:00 AM PST  
Blogger The Dude said...

I feel for Trent's family...(holding in the sob) is a gift that you have taught these kids football. Know that these kids will never forget you or their teammates throughout the years.

I wish I could have been there...there should be no excuse that is good enough...

This one is for Goose!

Wed Nov 09, 01:48:00 PM PST  

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