Wednesday, November 02, 2005

NBA Season is upon us...

Hey Black Lodge crew. Unlike Joe, I've started thinkin' about basketball. The big questions are will Bob Weiss take the Sonics back to a 50 win season? I think not, but who knows, this is virtually the same Sonic team that got smoked in their opener last year by the Clippers. So will this happen again? How many are on the G-State bandwagon? Did I miss something or is Run T-M-C back? What about Phil Jackson back in LAla land...and Larry in the big apple? So I pose the Top 5 things I'm lookin' forward to in the upcoming NBA season:

5) The Sonics. I know it sounds homer but can this team repeat last years performance. If not, how far will they decline? It's a contract year for Radmandovic so will he bring in big numbers. Will Ray Allen stay healthy for the season or was a contract fluke? Was Nate the glue that kept this team together and will they be as impressive on back to back nights? All questions I have...

4) The Pacific Division - Okay I know some peeps are sayin' Phoenix still has it but they lost a lot of people in the offseason and no Amare I think could spell trouble. Which brings in the next point. Is this the year for the Golden State Warriors? Is Mike Montgomery the guy? Will Baron Davis lead Oakland back to the playoffs? What about the LA teams? Will Phil and Kobe coexist, if not when will the first blow out happen? Can the Clippers smell a playoff spot? They have the talent but will they have the drive?

3) Shaq's next nickname for D. Wade. I like Flash but you know Shaq has been working on a new nickname. Miami is clearly the front runner but will G-Payton bring that team down like some said he did in LA? Should be an interesting season in South Beach.

2) Up and coming teams. I have heard a lot of hype coming out of Milwaukee. Come on Milwaukee, there wasn't even this much hype when Karl was there. Did Alvin Roberson and Del Harris come back. Redd is good but can he handle the burden of this team? Ok City Hornets, another team that will leave N.O. Last night they handled Sacramento so are they rising out of the swamps of the Bayou? Atlanta, another year, another 14 wins...let's start the count down. A crappy thing happening losing Jason Collier.

1) Who will be the first coach fired this season? I don't know who it could be but lets chew on that too...

Happy NBA New Year...the games now count...


Blogger Train said...

With no real rooting interest in the NBA I will give my top 5 things I want to see from afar…

5: Who will be the first player to show up to a game wearing only in a hotel towel and a shower cap just to stick it to the man..

4: At what point in the season will Jerome James earn any of the $30 million he is getting paid.

3: Will Yao Ming “ the Merciless” continue to play like a wet paper towel or will he grow a set and start playing like a franchise big man..

2: What music group will Ron Artest promote this year…

1: The Lakers to implode ( which wont be hard with the expansion squad they have going) and finally show that Phil Jackson can’t win without superstars.

Wed Nov 02, 03:40:00 PM PST  
Blogger The Dude said...

I love listening to the radio...they were talkin' to a Sonic beat writer and the team was gathered around the TV. The writer asked what were they watching? They said the NY/NJ game to see Jerome James. They said he touched the paint twice...hilarious!

Thu Nov 03, 10:35:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

if you guys haven't read it need to...SG's NBA preview...quality as always

Thu Nov 03, 01:41:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Great Preview done by the SG.. Side note The SG was on Gas's show the other night. Man he just seems like a guy who would fit right in the Ateam crew... Loved the interview.

Oh, and remember "The MAMBA can strick with 99% accuracy ath maximum speed, in rapid succession"


Thu Nov 03, 02:40:00 PM PST  

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