Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Ramblings From The Mexican Train

Was it just me or was Tom Brady trying to get every woman in the world to fall in love with him during his 60 minutes interview… He rambled about having won 3 Super Bowls and not feeling fulfilled and that there was more to him then just football. What’s next for the guy working in the off-season at an orphanage in China, that’s not going to happen? No I see more VISA commercials in the future. His comments had a hint of Owen Wilson in Wedding Crashers “we only use 10 percent of our hearts”

How long did Master Card have that Payton Manning Priceless commercial on the shelf… 1, 2, 3 years?

How many times do you think that the Carolina Panthers Web Master had to get up in the middle of the night to make sure the Tomcat portion of the team site was still functioning… over/under had to be at least 35.
- Who calls the two cheerleaders first Hugh or Larry Flint?

Does anyone else see T.O in a Raiders uniform…? Al Davis is Foaming at the mouth for this one.

Has Gina Gershon fallen so far that she needs to do a CBS movie of the week…? Can somebody green light Showgirls II

Is it me or is every single Hawks, Cardinals game super boring?

Whose camp are you in Harry Potter or The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe? You better decide now…

I think that Family guy is inching closing and closing to South Park in the Social Commentary department... Not yet but it is getting there.

Will Dick Butkis and Ray Crockett move on to a Division II team after they rebuild the Mountour Spartans? I am just saying we might be on the cusp of dominating coaching duo al a Ditaka, Ryan in ’85. We really need to contact ESPN about this.

Who else is excited about the AJ Burnett sweepstakes… yeah I didn’t think so.

Do the Colts really need to carry a back up quarterback? Who is the back up anyway? Is that the best job in the world or is it just me?
- Don’t the Dolphins have to be on the Colts schedule to make the whole undefeated season more interesting so next week we can start hearing the “oh, the atmosphere will be electric when the Colts face the Dolphins. The ’72 Fins will be all in attendance ” I mean someone at the league office should be fired over not scheduling this.

Do you think That Pete Carroll sent Charlie Weis some sort of thank you package after Weis got that contract extension…? The card probably read thanks for making me the highest paid coach in the world.

I want to start the Brady Quinn will be a better pro than Matt Leinert talk right here and now.

Should we start the who is a better actor 50 cent or Eminem talk now or can we wait for K-fed to star in a movie...

Do you think That Brad Pitt had a top 5 list with Jennifer and top of his list was Angelina...? So he was exempt from a nasty divorce because that whole split up was quick and painless.

Can we just hand the comeback player of the year award to TJ ford now and get it over with?

SEC best college football conference period, You will see it this weekend when LSU plays Alabama… 12:30pm CBS, Saturday

Am I the only one waiting for the release of Jock Jams 12 ?


Blogger Jimbo said...

Good...good...I can feel the hate flowing through you...nicely done Train...quickly to summarize from the bottom up--

SEC is the best, but I still enjoy watching the Pac 10 by an almost 5-1 margin, I enjoy playing the SEC by an almost 15-1 margin in NCAA '06-that's a fact...

As much as I like Ford for comeback player of year: don't forget about MAMBA!!! I know...I know, it's not like his drop off last year was that severe, but he has that look like..."all the lawyers have been paid...I'm gettin' on with my Superman III alter ego/Hollywood Hogan...Lakers should change their jersey's to black this year

you think Vince Vaughn was on Anniston's top 5?...one had the option to trade up the other could only go down...way down to Double-Down

if B. Quinn doesn't end up w/ either the Packers or the Bears I'm sending death threats to Taglibue...which I'm also going to do if I see him on any one of these teams: 1-Cardinals(Leinart) 2-Dolphins 3-Lions 4-Texans 5-Bills/Bucs...you hear me, don't waste what's shaping up to be the NFC's T. Brady on five teams that should have their QB drafting privilges on a 5 year review plan...

Omen VI-Damien is chosen as the next Head Coach of USC and changes his name to Pete Carroll

Thanks to the SG for pointing this out in his blog from MNF: Manning: "movie that most describes me: Footloose" period.

wouldn't it be great to see Larry and Hugh team up for a joint venture magazine for this Tomcat scandal/ half of the mag: pre bathroom the other half: during and post bathroom, I'll let you draw your own conclusions from there

I'm one of the few people on the planet that thinks TO is good for the NFL: my reasons:
1-he's now destroyed two of my least liked franchises (SF wasn't entirely him I'll admit, but still, good scapegoat)
2-the potential for TO and Moss on the same team would throw the earth's rotation off axis, not to say anything about California finally falling into the sea, completing L.Luther's orignal Superman vision
3-same potential fused with the elegant and dominant coaching style of Norv Turner would make for a reality TV show during the game from the sideline, finally making Oak-KC games exciting
4-the othere potential for him to go to the Dirty South and "McNabb" Vick to the point that he loses all confidence in anything he did well before TO along with parts of Vick's intenstine's beginning to dislodge themselves from his body...good times...good post train

Wed Nov 09, 08:25:00 AM PST  
Blogger The Dude said...

great post Train...a lot of built up hostility.

Well let me try some built up hostility:

First..it was larry flynt that took the two tomcats...they aren't playboy material boys.

Second...After seeing the Cardinal for the second time, has everyone learned their lesson that the Cardinals will be a force to be reckoned with...let it happen for about two years before I'll believe it will happen.

Third, NCAA '06...if you pick a match up...at least tough out the game, quiting in the middle of the game and ruining a moment for someone doesn't help anyone...

Fourth, Can't you be a fan of both, I mean I have read the Potter book and will look forward but you will have time to see both as they progress. And to read and compare both books too...which one will do better in the box office...Is Narnia the next LOTR?

And has Vin Diesel stop making good movies? Or did he peak with Private Ryan?

I sick of hearing about Phil and Kobe...let's focus on the real issue...Vlad and Bob Weiss.

Why would patrons (sorry bar flies) complain about two chicks gettin' it on...it wasn't like they took up all the stalls, I'm sure there was at least one more for everyone else...it also brings up the point is that girls take too long to get to the top of the mountain...

Chew on that good post Train again...

One other thing...don't compare the 05 sonics to the 06 sonics...different team, different coach.

Let TO play...but I don't want to hear about poor TO he gets paid millions of dollars and he should be able to put up with a little bit of crap from the media and team mates

Wed Nov 09, 11:47:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

"Third, NCAA '06...if you pick a match up...at least tough out the game, quiting in the middle of the game and ruining a moment for someone doesn't help anyone"

That wouldn't be a reference to a game that was played earlier this week would it?...and why must I continue to defend myself against a new policy that will be firmly followed from this point following, I've played tight games and lost against you and Train both, I might get pissed, but I'm not calling the games not legitite, I'm tired of defending this fact and NASCAR doesn't see anything wrong going on here: a few more things while I have my blood pressure up:

a) don't say two D- schools really judge a man's skill in the game
b) if you don't want to play with the big dogs than stay in the kitchen and get me a beer
c) Army-Navy game, you know what this means, you want to get pissed off about something, get pissed about that...
d) finally: I does what I likes...and I likes what I do

Wed Nov 09, 03:07:00 PM PST  
Blogger The Dude said...

it was just a general comment...Just something to ponder...I have been in both situations too - don't take the high road b/c it's happened between two people...

I'm just festering some blisters - nobody needs to pop over it...

Wed Nov 09, 03:23:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

By the way I love the Turd Sandwich picture.

oh, and I love what we have going on here.

I am for no more DII squads. I say if we start a game we finish it. God knows I have seen my share of defeats by wide margins. I HATE THE STATE OF UTAH....

Be thinking of matchups for Thursday night..

Wed Nov 09, 04:30:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

The problem I have with D2 is not that you can't get a good game, you just have to get lucky with a matchup, because no one knows what the teams look like...I suppose this argument closely ties in with darts...standard cricket excellent, random cricket not so much...ahhhh non-sequitors

Thu Nov 10, 08:19:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

The one thing.
That can pull me out of retirement.

Dick Butkas drops down from high school to grade school to coach the Junior Knight program. I would don the whistle in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately I missed Jock Jams 3 through 11. Im afraid if I dont hear those 1st then I wont understand 12. Much like the plot twists in Drunken Hussies 3-8. It made #9 totally confusing.

When is the next Husky Home game? Isnt it WSU on the 19th? Jimmy. Can you get me a deal on tickets being an Alum?

Fri Nov 11, 07:00:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Goose- I am sure there will be tickets avaliable. The Dude came and scored one the day of the game. No worries.. We would love to have you.

Fri Nov 11, 08:29:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I can't promise any deals, but I can promise Brats, Beer, Loud Voices and plenty of Cougar Hatin'...your presence would be the perfect cap to the season...

Sun Nov 13, 05:30:00 PM PST  

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