Monday, March 05, 2007

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

I figure that if Train is going to do a “Gym-Kata” post, I had to post with another awesomely horrible martial arts film (out Tommorrow on DVD!):

“King Kung Fu”

It tells the story of a Gorilla who is the pet of an old Karate Master. The Gorilla leans Karate from his master, and eventually is able to defeat his master at Karate. So what does the master do? He ships that Monkey to the USA! Shenanigans ensue.

Because what’s the only thing better than Karate? A MONKEY doing Karate! I saw this flick as a kid, and even then it was cheesy as hell.

Worth a netflix rental, as long as you intend on being in an altered state of mind upon viewing.

Also...finally got around to seeing “Tenacious D & the Pick of Destiny”. Personally, I dug it and thought it was funny, but pretty stupid. I could easily see it being like fingernails on a chalkboard if you don’t like the D. If you didn’t dig their album, stay away!


Blogger Unknown said...

I'll bust a Gymkata post if ya'll want. It was released on DVD last month and believe you me, I was one of the first to receive it off my Netflix queue. I laughed at least 3 times so hard that my stomach hurt. Here is a YouTube snippet thanks to a Gymkata fan for those that want just a taste of the unintentional comedy on display.

Mon Mar 05, 12:28:00 PM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

You do realize that Train did a Gymkata post back on January 18, right?

Mon Mar 05, 12:33:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

GymKata+King Kung Fu=Bell Bottom Pants

Mon Mar 05, 12:49:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

No, I hadn't realized Train had post since the New Year... let alone learned how to type. I'll have to go back and look.

Mon Mar 05, 02:48:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

I no type good... Yes?

Mon Mar 05, 02:53:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Okay, yes. Train posted that Gymkata was being released. But he didn't review it. And for the record, below is the total of posts for each Lodge member since 01-01-07 (listed in alphabetical order by first name):

Contributors: Posts:

* The Dude 3
* theDUKE 5
* Goose 13
* Jayne1138 11
* joe. 14
* Jimbo 13
* seatownshawn 2
* Train 7

I'm not pointing this out to show that this is a contest... because it's not.

But as you see here, the lack of participation for some members has been lacking this year. I mean, Dude's posting has even been weak for him. Especially considering 2 of his 3 posts were about the hotbed of all comment creators... the NHL. (Should we count the NHL as a major sports league at this point? Isn't it on par with the MLS at this point?)

Mon Mar 05, 03:21:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

don't put down the MLS like least they have ABC/ESPN backing them...instead of a channel that draws bigger ratings for reruns of "Survivor" Season 2...I got nothing against the NHL...and I enjoy watching it more than certain NBA matches and the entirety of NASCAR...

Mon Mar 05, 04:39:00 PM PST  

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