Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Execute Code Red

The trials of infection seem to be near. Lodgers, we need to raise up our survival rate - that means either training in the wilderness or watching Z-movies. I say Z-MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN TRAINING. They are sensory awareness immersion that leaves your minds blanketed in infection survival.

( also, The UK Trailer version)

There seems to be a huge resurgence in Zombie-related media as of late. My feeling is that Planet Terror is good appetizer for 28 Weeks later. Does 28 Weeks look good? Heck yea it does! Does it follow-up on what happenned to those survivors in 28 Days Later? I have no idea. What I did see are the bone chilling mobs of infected running at people down apocalypse trashed streets - and full military response with Code Red destruction. (The trailer just tottally highlights the jet strafing I saw last night when I revisited Red Dawn.) Who is this director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo? That name's longer than my name. He's just some kind of awesome guy from Spain I guess.

The style and scale of this film just looks wonderful. Even the soundtrack is eerily tragic and rocked out -- you can sample it in SECURITY ZONE 1. The British Isles seems to be some kind of harbinger for compact depression and angst. Theres some kind of recurrence in mood from Children of Men as well. If I consider the current political situation in the UK I can see the film as a warning for American military domination of the British life. Take into account the recent difficulties of Prime Minister Tony Blair: criticism of puppetry from US directed military goals, public sentiment against cooperative action in the Middle East, and heightened terrorist violence within the British Isles. These are circumstances that echo into a film where the US military is directing a new population of British in their own country and deciding how those Brits will live, even if it means destructive violence to end it.

(Nerd points if you know what X-men cover this left pic alludes to.)

Also, I mentioned it before in comments - but the new Marvel Zombies storylines are pretty cool. I jumped through a few of them where the remaining zombie superheroes devoured the world. Luckily, Galactus shows up afterwards and they eat him and the Silver Surfer. It was pretty wild. Peter Parker was distraught with the fact he ate Mary Jane & Aunt May. With the unexpected popularity of this alt-series they're continuing this spin-off with Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness. Pretty danged sweet. Again, the continued resurgence in Zombie lore is level with the air of disillusionment within a society. You can agree with me or not on that one. Art reflects life. I think most of you can agree with me on that statement.

On May 11th 2007 when infection breaks out I will not hesitate to drop a headshot to any of you guys if you turn on me. I would expect no less from any one of you on me.



Blogger Jimbo said...

KROMMMM...I'll be on Z assignment at our SE Asian Outpost during the latest installment of Time after Monkey to Human Infection...this latest installment looks to dabble more into Big Government and military power than the original...that's ok it's got Bigsby from Trainspotting and Stringer Bell from The Wire, neither of which have over a 45% survival rate however...

and what is this Planet Dead you speak of?

Tue Apr 10, 11:58:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Casey said...

The Fox Atomic booth @ comic-con was giving away the full size theatrical one sheets of 28 days later...really cool stuff.

I managed to see the first 28 minutes of 28 weeks later, and I have to admit it actually looks really cool. When I first heard about this project, I didn't think it was going to be very good, but this new division of Fox really seems to care about the quality of the films they make.

....and that's Uncanny X-men #141. Easily the highlight of the Byrne/Claremont years.

Tue Apr 10, 12:26:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

MCP, I believe that we mis-labeled you when you first joined the Lodge...I am recommend the first ever Lodge Name Change in recognition of a more "fitting" character....yes, none other than:

Jeff "Comic Book Guy" Albertson...

...but Aquaman...you can not marry a woman without gills...you are from two different worlds!

Tue Apr 10, 12:47:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

Oh the shame! I lost %5 on my survival rating. I meant Planet Terror, but when I was writing this article I was watching Diary of the Dead interviews.

And yes Jayne, Days of Future Past storyline. You get Temporal Anomaly Survival Percentage Boost of 12%.

Jimbo, India is a potential RED zone. Survival drops 8% unless your private driver also has acess to a boat. In that case: safe.

Tue Apr 10, 12:47:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

well...I've made the request to have my driver in a Hydroplane the entire time...I believe that should knock me up about 9%

Tue Apr 10, 12:55:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

You're soo HiP!

Tue Apr 10, 01:41:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Never hesitate. Devo, your excitement for this Z onslaught is palpable. Somebody get this guy a drink! Come by the Lodge tonight from 6-10PM to discuss our further Z-day strategies.

Tue Apr 10, 01:53:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Train said...

I'd love to talk about Zack. I'm half way through WWZ. I seriously cannot put this book down.

Tue Apr 10, 02:13:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

You wanna talk about life. Go through a zombie crisis - then talk to me.

Train: Yea, its honestly a really good book. One of my favorite chapters was the Israeli containment from the perspective of the Palestinian refugee.

So much good political science...

Tue Apr 10, 02:15:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Casey, I'm not sure if you saw this or not... Thursday, April 5 episode of Charlie Rose: QUENTIN TARANTINO AND ROBERT RODRIGUEZ. Skip to the last half of the show for the interview. Good stuff.

Tue Apr 10, 03:13:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

youtubers are so wonderful. people can remix excellently.

Tue Apr 10, 03:16:00 PM PDT  

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