Friday, November 11, 2005

Our Very Own Tree House...

Quick Post here Kids....

I thought I would just give an honest Black Lodge congradulations to Jimbo and best of luck with his new home. As you start your move today just know that the Lodge is here to help with many of your upcoming homeowner tasks.

I believe once he is all settled in we need to have the first Offical meeting of the Black Lodge. Punch and cookies and what not maybe burn some Ginger Kids for good times. I don't know, Goose could bring his flow chart on how Miguel Ferer is a "that guy". Joe gets the offical boot for his non contribution to the Lodge. Kevin finds a way to vent his NCAA frustration. I get to discuss the finer points of getting the most out of your cheerleading squad.

I vote we each purchase a piece of furniture, art, or any other home decor to make the Lodge our meeting place. Of course Jimbo will have full line item Veto power.



Blogger Goose said...

So would Jimmy veto a life size cardboard cutout of John Riggins?

Sat Nov 12, 11:27:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Train thanks for the kind words, and yes after two full days spent at the new Casa, I now know what the difference between owning a home and owning/renting a condo/apartment...I'm planning on having an unofficial grand opening to the lodge, still have some seating problems and a lot of potential ideas that won't make me fully enjoy until '07, on the look out for a cork dart board and foosball table too, so if you know of someone let me know...plenty of good times to be had at the Lodge...

Sun Nov 13, 05:35:00 PM PST  

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