Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Welcome to the first ever....

Random That-Guy Wednesday: In a series of weeks I will add a new random that-guy and whenever we feel we have enough of those-guys we will vote to move the actor from a that-guy to a name-guy, got it? good...first canidate is none other that Ralph Earnhardt himself: JK Simmons:

Highlights include:

TV's Law and Order

News Editor: J. Jonah Jameson-Spiderman

Manager from "For the Love of the Game" --Joe's favorite bball film

Buffalo Bill Cody from Hidalgo-never saw it but sounds like a big role

& most recognized as a fear inducing, don't drop the soap Aryian from a little HBO mini-series entitled OZ



Blogger Train said...

I am already compiling a list of THAT GUYS....

Wed Nov 09, 10:27:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

Im seeing a Miguel Ferrer Blog here in the future...he is definately in the class of..."that guy"

Fri Nov 11, 06:52:00 AM PST  

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