Friday, December 16, 2005

Hall of Fame Friday

Rather than the typical "This player should be in the HOF" I thought we'd change gears a little and talk about the concept of Sports Positions. Im going to steer this to the Football World but it could also apply to baseball (For example the Designated Hitter)

Any HOF should reward the Best of All time Players at a position that the sport creates. Football for example needs to honor two unsung positions. Fullback and Punter (And to a lesser Extent, Longsnapper and Holder, but thats a whole other post)

Take the Fullback. In most offenses minus the Run and Shoot etc. The Fullback is integral to the performance of the offense. They have 4 duties. 1) Lead Block on Most Running plays, or a decoy 2) Catch passes 3) Short Yardage running 4)Blitz pickup. Ask Troy Aikman how many Blitz Pickups were made on play action passes by Daryl Moose Johnston. Ask Emmit Smith how many of his 18,355 yards and 164 TDs were assisted by Johnston. While Jimmy has his few choice Redskins he can respect. (Ala Darrell Green and Art Monk) Moose Johnston tops my list of classy Cowboys.

Now I'll add my Hall of Famer canidate to the List. Larry Centers. Why you ask? Well besides the Block and Running he did. He is the ALL TIME Leader in Receptions by a Running Back and Ranks as the 9th leading receiver in NFL History. If you are the best at what you do. You might be a Hall of Famer. (And yes Joe. He was a Redskin at one point)

Now for the Punter. Any coach who has ever Been involved in a tight scoring Football game where field position has been crucial, has learned to love or hate his punter. 4th and 8, inside your own 10. Having a punter who can get you out of a mess turns into a weapon that can win or lose a ballgame. I gave alot of prps to two longtime NFL Punters. Sean Landeta and Jeff Feagles. These guys have been punting since I was in High School (Or in Landetas case, Grade school

So who goes in the HOF? Well both Feagles and Landeta should at some point. But the man that needs to go is Ray Guy. Punter, 6'3", 190 lbs
Born: December 22, 1949, Swainsboro, Georgia High School: Thomson (Georgia)
College: Southern Mississippi Pro: 1973-1986 Oakland/LA Raiders. In three years, 1974, 1975, and 1977- he led the AFC punting average. NFL 75th ANNIVERSARY ALL-TIME TEAM MEMBER. -First Pure Punter Drafted in the 1st Round (23rd player overall).
-Played in seven Pro Bowls (six consecutively) - most ever for a punter!
-Played in seven AFC Championship Games.
-Played in three Super Bowl wins punting 14 times (tied for 3rd for most Super Bowl punts in a career) including a 41.9 average (3rd highest average recorded for a career).

-Led NFL in Punting three times.
-NFL Postseason Record for most punts in a career with 111 punts.
-NFL Postseason Record for Highest Punting Average in a game with 56.0 average.
(This record includes a 71yard punt - the 3rd Longest Postseason punt in NFL history).

Vote Ray in. He has been eligible since 1991. Honor the position that Football created.

*Side notes*
1) I am postponing my Joe Wedding Review until next week.
2) I talked to my Cousin Dave who is spending his holiday month off from school in Parumph Nevada, where he says "There is nothing but casinos condos and whorehouses". (And 33.6 Internet access)
By the way, you can view the Girls of Sheri's Ranch by clicking here. (Warning. Not work appropriate)
He is committed to a new years Jan 7th revival but fully understands the rules of the lodge and can accept any decisions of the Grand Poobah.

Happy Friday all. Remember to make your Pro Bowl Votes.


Blogger The Dude said...

Well for starters, how many votes will it take for someone like Larry Centers or Jeff Feagles gets elected.

Feagles is getting good press right now because he set the most consectutive game streak but Goose, nicely posted that these positions are overlooked. They are not overlooked during the season but when it comes to the HOF ring, it is.

I became aware of the fullback when John L. Williams was a fullback for Derrick Fenner and Chris Warren. Very valuable and very much overlooked. Once Fenner and Warren were gone, they converted Williams into a tailback.

Moose will get in before all those other guys because he will have the Cowboy nation lobbyin' for him.

Great post and I can't wait for the Joe's wedding post game show!

Fri Dec 16, 08:38:00 AM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Centers is another great addition to Redskin HOF Friday, good work Goose. I love the lobbying for the old school kicker the likes of Ray Guy, just a nice touch from a man who goes old school and still kicks field goals straight on and with a toe.

I'd love to discuss the bried shoutout to the DH and including that position into the Baseball HOF, but that definitely deserves its own post.

And where's the love for Mack Strong? 13 years in the league with your Seattle Seahawks:

# 38 Mack Strong
Position: FB
Height: 6-0
Weight: 245
Born: 09/11/1971
College: Georgia
NFL Experience: 13

"Well, you've got to be tough in this league to make it as a rookie free agent and to play 10 years, let alone 13," Strong said. "I consider myself a pretty tough guy."

Fri Dec 16, 09:40:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I think Centers is a lock, based purely on his stats...but, it'll take a while because of the teams he played on...never winning ball clubs...Moose, should be purely based on E.Smith, in fact it should be a package can't have Emmitt w/o Moose...that's the rules

As for the rest...well, I'd like to make a petition for M. Strong, seriously: starting in 1994, here are the leading rushing totals year to year:

94-C. Warren-1545 9td 4.6

95-C. Warren-1346 15td 4.3

96-L. Smith 680 4.4 8td/C.Warren 855 4.2 5td=1535 13td 4.3 that's 356 attempts together

97-S. Broussard 70att 418 5td 6.0/ L. Smith 91att 392 4.3 2td/ C.Warren 200att 847 4td 4.2=361att 1657 11td 4.8

98-R.Watters 319att 1239 3.9 9td

99-R.Watters 325att 1210 3.7 5td

00-R.Watters 278att 1242 4.5 7td + S. Alexander 64att 313 4.9 2td=342att 1555 4.7 9td

01-S. Alexander 309att 1318 4.3 14td + R.Watters 72att 318 4.4 1td=381att 1636 4.35

02-S. Alexander 295att 1175 4.0 16td

03-S. Alexander 326att 1435 4.4 14td + M. Morris 38att 239 6.3=364att 1674 5.35 14td

04-S. Alexander 353 1696 4.8 16td

05-S. Alexander 303 1495 4.9 23td + M. Morris 52 226 4.3 1td

Great, lots of stats, but what does it mean....well it means this:

That since his addition to the team, only 4 times out of 13 seasons has the team failed to rush for over 1500 yards with their key back or combination of two back. I judge the stats on attempts per season not how many guys rushed the football....Strong doesn't get credit for it, but doing it consistently for that amount of time...and also getting better as he gets older...for that amount of time deserves recognition...there is no doubt that he is and has been the best FB in the game for the past 6-7 seasons...also career stats for those who care:

177 games 193att 741 3.8 4td 177rec 1162 6.6 10td-
key stat being the games....

I think this is a prime example of problems with the HOF...

Fri Dec 16, 10:07:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

take that Joe 2.0...take your ass back to the library and bring it when you talk about my boy like that...also...didn't he block for Garrison Hearst in college who almost won the heisman?...Joe 2.0 that's the award given to the best college player of that year...

Fri Dec 16, 10:11:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Also...I've looked into the heart and the eyes of Lazlo and determined to grant him clemency until the 7th...that will be the official opening of "hell week"...although w/o the sponsorship of Mother Goose...Lazlo wouldn't have made it this far...this to be sure

Fri Dec 16, 10:21:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

This is a topic that is close to home for me because number one I played fullback in jr/high school and I just love watching people get blown up in the hole so the running back can get that extra yard. Such an unsung position and yet it is such an integral part of most championship teams. I won’t get into that since you all have touched on that. You have to be a very special person to know that you probably aren’t going to get drafted and you might not even make a team but if you do you won’t get much press or carries. You just understand your responsibility to you running back and your quarterback. Oh and you have to love to hit. I love this position.

Train’s Top 5 – in no particular order
1: Howard Griffith – Biased but he could block, catch and run. TD would have never gotten 2K with him
2: Larry Centers– the stats speak for themselves
3: John L. Williams – Versatile player who after playing FB/RB with the Hawks went to the Steelers and still excelled when he was quiet a bit older.
4: Lorenzo Neal – much like Mack Strong an unsung player who has been in the league for 13 years. Has blocked for Tomlinson, Martin and George.
5: Daryl Johnson: Just so Jimmy won’t throw things and walk out of the house…..

Fri Dec 16, 10:58:00 AM PST  
Blogger The Dude said...

Joe 2.0 takin' a hit...stock is droppin...It's like Fresno gettin' taken to the shed against Tulsa. Enough said...

Mack Strong is a great representative but will he be noticed since he has been in the NW all his career. It's not like they have had great press or nationally covered games to give him exposure.

Centers and Moose had consistant National Television games. That is why I think they will get a nod before Strong or someone else...

I like the stats, stat boy...way to break it down...and Joe, who really cares how much Mack weighs, I mean it isn't a beauty contest

Fri Dec 16, 11:13:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I wouldn't say that Centers was on TV all that often...and Train good call on Lo Neal, forgot about him and career has spoke for itself with RB's behind him...and after last night...I just want everyone to know that I'm retiring from NCAA competitive conference to follow...

Fri Dec 16, 11:41:00 AM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'd have to agree with Train and include Neal on my short list. He has led the way for arguably always a Top-5 RB each year. I'd put him in after Centers & Strong... followed by Moose just to piss Jimbo off. Good call, Train.

And how did I take a hit? If you'd read above, I'm the one who first mentioned Strong. I wasn't dissing him, but rather giving him his props that are well deserved. The fact that I didn't spend 30 minutes with my calculator watch adding up the rushers he's blocked for doesn't mean I took a hit.

Plus, I love the fact that The Dude is trying to rip on me after finally posting a comment after 10 days -- oh, ya, I looked it up! -- it's been since 12/06 since you wrote something. I'll speak in the third person on this one in honor of the M's signing Carl "T-Rex" Everett yesterday: "Joe 2.0 is out."

Fri Dec 16, 11:48:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Joe 2.0, that honestly might be the funniest rip you've had in a long time...serious, and once again, like yesterday with the 1980 Olympic Team we were channeling the magic at the same time...I just like stats, you can't argue with stats...unless your C-Rett...and then its completely acceptable because the stats have no respect for my game

Fri Dec 16, 01:12:00 PM PST  
Blogger The Dude said...

Joe, I'm not rippin' you and plus I can't chime in everyday b/c I don't have internet. I'm technology challenged...So if it's been 10 days, so what...

Jimbo - you are retired from competitive play?

Fri Dec 16, 02:35:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I think so Dude...last night's blow up had a Barnett/Nueheisal type effect on my team...I might resurface, but under special circumstances and probably with Gilby by my side...

Fri Dec 16, 03:59:00 PM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

Mack Strong will not be a Hall of famer for Two Reasons.
1) No Pro Bowls. This means his peers and the fans dont view him as the best.
2) No Super Bowls (Yet)

Mon Dec 19, 08:17:00 AM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Goose, it looks like your 2 reasons are getting squashed, one by one...

"It's rewarding, but I wouldn't say it's validating," said the respected, thoughtful voice of this franchise through three head coaches, four offensive coordinators and two owners.

"The Pro Bowl doesn't validate my career," Strong said. "What I've tried to do and stand for with this organization speaks for itself."

Thu Dec 22, 12:23:00 PM PST  

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