Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Mother Goose Meets John Clayton

It was an average day...December 13th. 11:45am. While waiting for a lunch meeting I was listening to the humble rantings of KJRAM 950, Dick Fain and the proverbial sage of the NFL...Mr John Clayton.

I hear a trivia question and my competitive juices flow.... A little Seahawk Trivia? The winner gets a $50 HD HotSpurs Gift Card? Who cares about the prize. Im going to throw down and beat John Clayton Damnit!

The question comes out......Who was the Leading Rusher in the Last Seahawk Playoff Win.
The mind clicks...Last Win 1984 vs the Raiders. My Man Curt Warner shredded his knee in the 1st game. Franco Harris was signed. David Hughes? Eric Lane? They had a parade of tailbacks that year. Randall Morris? Zach Dixon. WAIT! Old #33. From THE Washington state U! Dan the Man Doornink.

I hit the speed dial on my Blackberry (You never know when you may need to dial KJR)
2 times Busy. 3rd Time. It rings! Is this one of those Ring forever since they already have an answer?

Poll Tracker gets on. Do you have an answer? I give the name. "Line one has it...whats your name and where are you?" I was in Redmond at the time but I always represent. "Jeff from Federal Way"

They put me on with JC. I give him the answer. DANNNN DOOORNICK! (For some reason the name excited Mr Clayton. I suddenly felt like breaking into an Irish Mickey imitation but was shuffled back to Poll Tracker.

Anywho. Its not a great story. But since no one else is posting.

Where the hell is the Train? Did he get on a Trial? Does Train actually hold someones legal future in his hand?

On my quest for Dan Doornick photos. I found an interesting Seahawk Fansite. Cjheck it out here


Blogger Unknown said...

Very nice. Goose, I'm curious what Clayton's reaction to your answer was? Please divulge.

Great link too. Crazies, gotta love the crazies. I put myself on their Frapper map. Once we go national with this blog -- we should include a Frapper map for vistors who frequent our online rants.

Wed Dec 14, 09:21:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I second the Frapper...and thanks for getting the Lodge off the schnide, yesterday...that's big Goose, huge in fact, so when we all going to HD Hotspurs? and did they revoke the prize after you stated F-Dub?

Wed Dec 14, 10:29:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

$50 is an awfully nice happy hour meeting of the lodge huh?

Wed Dec 14, 10:34:00 AM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Goose, where is your cousin? He joined a few days back under the almost Train-like retarded monicker of "Lazlo", and he still hasn't posted, not once. Especially odd after Jimbo requested that he post every day for a week straight for his "test". Where's your boy?

Wed Dec 14, 11:56:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

His appearance on the lodge may be brief.

Wed Dec 14, 12:04:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

he has until the middle of Friday and that's only because he's related to you Mr. Goose...

Wed Dec 14, 12:11:00 PM PST  

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