Friday, December 09, 2005

Hall of Fame Friday (How much is a Super bowl worth?)

How much you ask? Ask Irving Fryar.

This year whether I like it or not...Michael Irvin is getting consideration as a 1st ballot HOF. Has anyone heard Irving Fryars name? No? Thats what 1 super bowl and a 46-10 blowout can do to you.

Compare his stats to Mr Irvin

Irvin 750 catches 11904yds 15.9 65TD's
Receiving yards:
Receiving TDs:

Now for Irving Fryar.

851 catches 12785yds 15.0 84TDs

Receiving yards:
Receiving TDs:

Add in 2055yds in Punt returns and 3 TD's and you have a pretty complete player. Has Michael Irvin ever returned a punt? Maybe at "The U". 5 time pro bowler and 1 time all pro. 1984-92 New England Patriots 1993-95 Miami Dolphins 1996-98 Philadelphia Eagles 1999-2000 Washington Redskins

Dont forget his career at Nebraska. 1981-1983 He was All-American and All-Big 8 selection in 1983 before becoming the first overall pick in the draft, Fryar was good reciever on a running team that featured Heisman trophy winner Mike Rozier. He caught 40 passes for 780 yards and eight touchdown averaging 19.5 yards per catch. He was also an unbelievable punt returner averaging 13.3 yards per return in 1982 and 15.4 in 1984.

Could he control his 1st years in New England where he had QB's like Tony Eason, Marc Wilson, Tom Ramsey, Scott Zolak, and Tom "Moscow on the" Hudson? (Although he did have Hugh Breedlove Millen). How about the Ty Detmer, Bobby Hoying Koy Detmer group in Philly. Can we find another player who caught TD's from both Ty AND Koy?

So the question remains. How much is a Super bowl worth? Apparently alot to the Hall of Fame.

Happy Friday all!


Blogger Jimbo said...

sorry I didn't get around to this on Friday...but, you bring up an excellent point w/ the Fryar, some points the knock on Fryar is going to be his longevity (ironic isn't it) but, this works against a player like Fryar

Take Pablo Irvin...played technically 11 season and his numbers are comparible to Fryar's 16...even though Pablo had a HOF QB throwing to him where Fryar Tuck dealt with the Det bros along with a D-list class of QB's (sans Danny M)...

I think this plays more into his HOF decision than the championship, although I believe the two are more than likely extremely intertwined...

Mon Dec 12, 08:43:00 AM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

If I had to vote now, I'd say "no". Solely based on the fact that Art Monk hasn't been voted in, and Monk was more dominate that Fryar. Plus, let's note that HOF Friday is turning into a Redskin HOF Friday. Just an observation.

Mon Dec 12, 12:48:00 PM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

Joe. Fryar playing 1 year for the skins does not make it Redskin Friday.

Why dont you actually bring something to the table before mocking HOF friday? How bout it Dutch boy?

Mon Dec 12, 01:05:00 PM PST  

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