Thursday, December 01, 2005

Adding members to the Blog

Those of may have remembered my cousin Dave from out last Hooters gathering. (At least the last one I went to). Funny Fat Guy and Movie buff.

I was going to see what the criteria was for adding lodge members.

If I recall, the Water Buffalo lodge from the Flinstones had a tough initiation.

Im thinking of some sort of Hell Week to join...or maybe a Test Post.

Thoughts on adding members?


Blogger Unknown said...

His movie knowledge was impressive. Since I'm on Black Lodge probation after recently rejoining, I'm guessing that I don't have a say in this though, so I'll abstain from voting.

I'll see you guys on Saturday night @ 6PM! It's going to be a party. Mac & Jacks and good wine will be flowing at the reception until midnight. Until then...

Thu Dec 01, 03:40:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Joe 2.0, consider yourself UNLV right now...don't make the jump to SMU and double-secret is criteria:

When bringing in a new member:
a) any new member must have a sponser that will answer for any problems that might occur, such as a Redskin majority

b) must have working knowledge of adding of html so they can add photos, because that really ticks Joe off when there's no pictures

c) must decide a speciality and dedicate themselves to giving the Lodge a weekly post (i.e. HOF Friday, That-Guy Wed, MCP's movie recommendation, etc...)

now on to the week of hell...

1-covers the 5 day work week, if you feel the need to post on the weekends, go right ahead...

2-must comment on every post and finish each comment with the phrase:
"Bob, you're not going home without me. I want all my garmonbozia"-this is non-negotiable

3-must also post every day of the working week, with each post including a photo (for Joe)

4-The sponser will decide the trivia question that will be asked, failure to accurately answer will result in 2 wks in Gitmo and an introduction in Water-Therapy

5-Must bring something to the table.

This is all in an effort to see the will, dedication and talent of the that being said...Goose, send me his email address and I'll sign him up, just make sure he's ready...

Fri Dec 02, 09:29:00 AM PST  
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Fri Jan 15, 05:21:00 PM PST  

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