Monday, December 05, 2005

Ramblings of the Goose on a Monday AM

Well the night is here.
Hawk Eagles. the Battle of the birds. Monday night Football

1st and formost lets give a HUGE Hawk shoutout to the Washington Redskins. Who by beating the rams clinched the NFC west for the Hawks. Looking foward to the 1st offical Lodge gathering. I will only refer to Jimmy tonight as the Grand Poobah. Dont worry about Grub Tonight boys. Mother Goose has you covered.

Some random thoughts from the weekend that was...(I will reserve Joe's Wedding commentary until the time is right)

1) Nothing is cooler than watching Larry Triplett score a TD for the Colts. As John Madden said it best...when you see a fat Guy get to see a Fat Guy Dance. Nothing is sweeter.

2) Fantasy football is over for me. Time to find something else to occupy my life.

3) Washingtons upset of the Zags was bigger than either of the two games last year vs AZ in terms of importance, and ranks just below the upset of Stanford in the biggest Romar wins. The loss did convince me that if Adam Morrison is not the NCAA Player of the year, then he will be in the top 3.

4) I want Terry Tate to come out of retirement

5) The Florida Marlins are changing the face of baseball with this Smither-esque yardsale of players.

6) The Heisman Trophy is awarded to the Best player in College Football. While Vince Young is the MVP to his Team. Reggie Bush will hold the hardware, and deserves it.

7) "Hey. Who left this pickle here?"

8) Looks like NBC has all but cancelled Joey. This should conclude any posts that start with "Did you see Joey last night?". May he rest in peace like After MASH and Maude.

9) Saddam Hussein told the judge at his trial Monday that "I am not afraid of execution". Would anyone else like to see this as a Pay Per view event? I'd like Vince McMahon to MC the event.

10) On a boring Sunday afternoon while flipping channels, I managed to catch about 20 minutes of 40 days and 40 nights. I asked myself when looking at the women in his office and how hot they dressed..Where is this office? and how do I get hired there? I'll do anything.

11) Jimmy. My cousin Dave can be emailed at

12) My cousin wrote a book. Im not quite sure why I am letting you guys know this...but it rounded out my post to an even 12 items.


Blogger Train said...

Washington Basketball took a huge step in the instate recruiting war. Huge win for the dawgs on both levels. I am sure both teams will be right in the thick on March Madness. Does the UW make the top ten with that win?
Oh and there is something good in the neighborhood.... Appleby. That kid can shoot.

Mon Dec 05, 11:10:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Madre stole a little bit of my thunder w/ Monday Ramblings, but hey I think there was enough Weekend Menutia for everyone...

Larry Triplett on Sunday was the best the UW Football program has looked since Tui held up the '01 Rose Bowl Trophy...Triplett's story is one of the better tales to ever come out of the "not to spoken-of"'s era...

Fantasy Football I belive is over for me as well...trailing by 7 points tonight with Westbrook and Alexander going head-to-head doens't bode well for the Jihad, who suffered another 2nd half year we won't even f-around with deciding team names..."Team Approved by Dave Wannstedt" will be our colorful moniker until we bail out in the 1st round of playoff's after we have a 16-team NFC only FFootball leage...speaking of which...

It's not too early and I think tonight would be a perfect opportunity to discuss setting up our own Fantasy League next year: thoughts from me include:

1)AFC-only League
accomplishes two things:

a)while the possibility still remains that your team, i.e. Cowboys, Hawks, Skins will play against one of your fantasy players, it will be non-conf. and hopefully not nearly as difficult to watch a NFL game, like what happened this year and every year...sidenote: sorry Train, but your odd-man out in this one

b)I'd like to keep the roster low, perhaps 6-8 people, I figure if we only get 6, conference only would be a good way to keep strategy tough...

anyway, just a few thoughts, we'll discuss more later on how, when, where...

UW game last night...will get its own post following this comment-post

If there is any justice in this cruel world...they will humor us with the greatest 60 seconds ever known in advertising history...simply known as T. Tate "Offic LB": the week? the krewe of the NBC show "The Office"

Mr. Goose...please, whenever referencing the Marlins, you must use the official title of the baseball club, which is: Florida "Two f'n time World Champion" Marlins followed by Chicago "1500 f'n years since our last championship" Cubs, this is the proper nomenclature...

The Heisman Trophy will get its own post later this week, a tie-in hopefully to HOF friday "Heisman Edition" ...I will say this...I called that R. Bush in 2003 w/ extended playing time should've won the H. Trophy.

"...where's all the whitehead's at?

I think I'll live my entire life w/o understanding
a) what the chemical compound's that make up Yoohoo &
b) how Network TV operates-never saw Arrested Development...looked like a great show that I'll watch sometime...cancelled...Joey, recyceled shite laugh-track sitcom garbage that amazes me how it lasted this long...cancelled...point? don't really have one...I just ask for a touch of originality...I just hope Earl and the "Office" survive...

Death is too easy for Hussein...I think we should put him at the helm of the Texans next season in a reality TV show on ESPN, 1st episode, has statue built outside of Reliant Stadium, later on confronts D. Carr and his Dad about in huddle prayer...hey, this doesn't sound that bad...whaddya say? let's get the Iraqi Band back together again...

Goose, you had the luxury of flipping the channel after 20 minutes of 40day/40nights, I had the luxury of enjoying it in its entirity while on "date" night with the wife a few years ago, which led to this...
me: so, did you like the film? her: no, not really, Josh Hartnett isn't really as cute as I thought he was, and he's kind of dumb
me: (silence, as straw is inserted through my right eye followed by left)
me: well, that's good then...I hope you enjoyed the first/last film selection of date night

Goose, the fact that a relative of yours has written a book doesn't really surprise me based on your family pedigree...what does surpise me is when the "Coach Goose Serling's: Guide to beating the Option" is going to be released...followed by what I'm guessing will be the popular: "Everything I ever needed to know I learnd in a Zone-Dog Sam Blitz"


Dave has been invited, the rest is up to him...the road will be hard, the test difficult, but if your willing to answer the call...of the few, the proud...the Lodge

Mon Dec 05, 11:35:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

You guys are going to be used as guinie pigs tonight. Goose made his 1st batch of Shrimp and Sausage gumbo and will be bringing it to the fiesta tonight. (I have dabbled in Jambalaya but never made a Gumbo before)

Jimmy. You are in charge of making sure Hot Sauce is available

I need your new address Jimmy. What time should we all plan on being there?

Mon Dec 05, 12:56:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

4827 41st Ave SW Seattle 98116...I have chipotle tabasco...crystal & chiracha...

Mon Dec 05, 01:59:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

oh yeah...I'll be home around 515-520 so anytime after that works

Mon Dec 05, 02:00:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Arrested Development is a quality show. Uncomfortable laughs throughout the entire show. Just a well written show, shot in the Office-esque documentary style & performed by genuinely funny actors.

Mon Dec 12, 10:47:00 AM PST  

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