Friday, December 02, 2005

I do's and don'ts

So, I am just sitting here at my computer looking at some pictures of a house and its roof. You might think hey, that Jordan has a super cool job and he must get all the ladies, well I do but that is not the point. I’m writing a policy today for a couple who just tied the knot and got back from 3 weeks in Rome. Ah, marital bliss. I could here it in there voices. I thought to myself call back in 4 years and let’s see how happy you kids are.

I know I sound like I’m rambling and a bitter divorcee well I am but that’s a whole blog onto itself. I thought as a collective group meaning the Lodge could offer up some advice to the groom to be since the majority of us having been married or are currently married. Sorry Dude but your time will come and hey I head you and Meghan were moving in together! Maybe a little anecdote on keeping the marriage going or some does and don’ts cause lets face it Joe is going to need the help.

So here is some advice from the divorcee…. Learn it, live it, love it.........

You are always wrong no matter what the situation.
Tell her you love her every day
No matter how hard it might get, work through it.

I know this is stuff you have all heard before but hey it doesn’t hurt to hear it from the lodge.

I am proud of you Joe. Happy to see settling down and I wish you kids the best.


Blogger Jimbo said...

Mr. Train bringing the Hallmark TV of the Week to the Lodge...Joe 2.0, I can't tell you what makes it work, because 4+ years hasn't taught me a whole lot except don't expect anything...

Marriage works on the ultimate ebb and flow...peaks and valleys...strikes and gutters...etc, the perserverience to stick through the valley's is the only assurance that you can give to one another, outside of that as my man Jack Burton once said: "Its all in the reflexes"

I'm not privy(nor do I desire to be) to the inner-workings of any marriage/relationship other than my own, so I can only speak for things that I've found useful...

the concept of marriage and dedication to one other person for the rest of your mortal lives is something that I don't think anyone is prepared you being a man of faith Joe, should embrace this as the ultimate leap...

embrace the emotions of the first year or so, and remember that change is the only constant and be prepared for those changes, I can honestly that I enjoy the dynamics of marriage now more so than I ever did in the previous 4 years, the metaphor of building a house is extremely cliche and overstated, but pinpoints the challenge of relationships...remember the house is never finished...

That's all I'm going to give, which I believe is too much already, and you probably won't read this until after all the bed springs are broke on the honeymoon, but I hope you take some of it to heart and listen to Goose, because he's shown to be further along in building his home than I...good luck and good night...(trying to set records for most non-sport cliche's in one comment)

Fri Dec 02, 04:32:00 PM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

I have to echo Jimmys thoughts that while we can give you some nifty tidbits here, every marriage has a unique character where its success is molded from different paths.

The House foundation is a good analogy. Let me take that one step further.

Turn the house into your home. Its sometimes hard to realize that you have now created "Instant Family". While you have gone though life thinking Mom Dad and the Twins are the most important people in your life, you have now added someone who at 6:35 tonight vaults over everyone to the #1 Slot.

So here are Gooses 3 Pearls of Marriage Wisdom.

1) Dont be an Ass. Remember out of all the schmucks in the world you should be honered that she chose you. When that chick from the Amazon lunch line hits on you, think to yourself, "Dont be an Ass"
The grass may be greener on the other side, But once you jump the fence, you will end up taking care of both lawns, either mowing yourself...or paying to have the lawn mowed by others.

2) While being the oldest and owning the current Longest Consecutive Days Married Streak of the Group, I give you all this tip on Fatherhood. Do as much as you can in life before you sprout out the Gosslings. Work, Travel, Learn, and Grow. But dont wait too long. You may think you know what true love is...but it will never match the feeling of holding your 1st child, seconds after being born and realizing that there is no greater gift, than being a father. Someday I look forward to you all understanding this. This is a gift your wife can give to you...and you will need to thank her every day for giving you this gift.

3) Final Tip. Joe. This isnt brain surgery. Treat her well, learn what makes her tick, dont be an ass, grow the marriage and treat it with the respect it deserves and you will be fine.

Good luck Joe. May you one take take over the Consecutive days Marriage Streak after I die.

I leave you with a little Top gun Logic....written for Joe

Stinger: You asshole, you're lucky to be here!
Joe: Thank you, sir.
Stinger: And let's not bullshit Trader Joe. Your family name ain't the best in the Lodge. You need to be doing it better, and cleaner than the other guy. Now what is it with you?

Sat Dec 03, 06:27:00 AM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

I took a minute down here in Viva la Mexico to read the words of wisdom from the experienced dos. Thanks and I'll be home next week, hopefully a little less of an ass.

Fri Dec 09, 03:57:00 PM PST  

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