Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Uninspried Wednesday...

After dealing with a stressful morning of work during a re-organization...Jimbo is feeling unispired for "That-guy" it's taking a week off, to gain some momentum...meanwhile this has been a long time coming...and I'd love to hear some comments from the resident Buffalo supporting at the Lodge...


Blogger Train said...

At least they have some sort of internet connection down here at the new seattle court house. I have been confined to a room over looking the sound and 30 various copies of old issues of US weekely. Erika would be in heaven here. I must also say that the WA state legal system is very interesting to say the least as I am sure most court systems are but that is a post for another day.

Well I must ask two things here. Why has it taken this long to cut loose a guy who has brought nothing more than one Big 12 title and alot of hardship to to beloved team. The man had used up all of his nine lives this past season. When you go out and loose by a combined score of 100-6 you need to loose your job. That is no way for a legit team to play. The man has done this for two seasons and still kept his job? Backing into title games is no way to run a program. The man tends to suck the life out of the room with his my way or the highway attitude. Don't get me wrong here you can have an attitude like that but his is a detrement to the university and the players. This man seems to think if you cant pin it on me then I am not at fault well wrog you are at fault you are building a culture of hate towards a football team that has never been present in my state before. For that reason alone you need to go. No aplogy or statement can keep people from believing that you run a team of boys who believe they are higher then the kids they go to school with well they aren't and they need to bring in a man who can bring winning and class back to a school that has been missing it for the past 10 years. I would love to bring in Gary Kubiak or Pat Hill from Fresno St. I think they would bring that solid character and winning attitude back to a team that been lacking it.

Colorado has the potential to contend every year for the Big 12 title. They need to sever the head and the body will cleanse itself.

Mr. Barnett thanks for your time in Boulder but you ar no longer needed or wanted.

Wish i had more time to comment buy my opbligation as a citizen of this state becons once again...

Cause freedom costs a buck o'five.. .actually I am getting 10 bucks a day for this....Not bad

Wed Dec 07, 01:24:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

At least they have some sort of internet connection down here at the new seattle court house. I have been confined to a room over looking the sound and 30 various copies of old issues of US weekely. Erika would be in heaven here. I must also say that the WA state legal system is very interesting to say the least as I am sure most court systems are but that is a post for another day.

Well I must ask two things here. Why has it taken this long to cut loose a guy who has brought nothing more than one Big 12 title and alot of hardship to to beloved team. The man had used up all of his nine lives this past season. When you go out and loose by a combined score of 100-6 you need to loose your job. That is no way for a legit team to play. The man has done this for two seasons and still kept his job? Backing into title games is no way to run a program. The man tends to suck the life out of the room with his my way or the highway attitude. Don't get me wrong here you can have an attitude like that but his is a detrement to the university and the players. This man seems to think if you cant pin it on me then I am not at fault well wrog you are at fault you are building a culture of hate towards a football team that has never been present in my state before. For that reason alone you need to go. No aplogy or statement can keep people from believing that you run a team of boys who believe they are higher then the kids they go to school with well they aren't and they need to bring in a man who can bring winning and class back to a school that has been missing it for the past 10 years. I would love to bring in Gary Kubiak or Pat Hill from Fresno St. I think they would bring that solid character and winning attitude back to a team that been lacking it.

Colorado has the potential to contend every year for the Big 12 title. They need to sever the head and the body will cleanse itself.

Mr. Barnett thanks for your time in Boulder but you ar no longer needed or wanted.

Wish i had more time to comment buy my opbligation as a citizen of this state becons once again...

Cause freedom costs a buck o'five.. .actually I am getting 10 bucks a day for this....Not bad

Wed Dec 07, 01:25:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

At least they have some sort of internet connection down here at the new seattle court house. I have been confined to a room over looking the sound and 30 various copies of old issues of US weekely. Erika would be in heaven here. I must also say that the WA state legal system is very interesting to say the least as I am sure most court systems are but that is a post for another day.

Well I must ask two things here. Why has it taken this long to cut loose a guy who has brought nothing more than one Big 12 title and alot of hardship to to beloved team. The man had used up all of his nine lives this past season. When you go out and loose by a combined score of 100-6 you need to loose your job. That is no way for a legit team to play. The man has done this for two seasons and still kept his job? Backing into title games is no way to run a program. The man tends to suck the life out of the room with his my way or the highway attitude. Don't get me wrong here you can have an attitude like that but his is a detrement to the university and the players. This man seems to think if you cant pin it on me then I am not at fault well wrog you are at fault you are building a culture of hate towards a football team that has never been present in my state before. For that reason alone you need to go. No aplogy or statement can keep people from believing that you run a team of boys who believe they are higher then the kids they go to school with well they aren't and they need to bring in a man who can bring winning and class back to a school that has been missing it for the past 10 years. I would love to bring in Gary Kubiak or Pat Hill from Fresno St. I think they would bring that solid character and winning attitude back to a team that been lacking it.

Colorado has the potential to contend every year for the Big 12 title. They need to sever the head and the body will cleanse itself.

Mr. Barnett thanks for your time in Boulder but you ar no longer needed or wanted.

Wish i had more time to comment buy my opbligation as a citizen of this state becons once again...

Cause freedom costs a buck o'five.. .actually I am getting 10 bucks a day for this....Not bad

Wed Dec 07, 01:25:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

At least they have some sort of internet connection down here at the new seattle court house. I have been confined to a room over looking the sound and 30 various copies of old issues of US weekely. Erika would be in heaven here. I must also say that the WA state legal system is very interesting to say the least as I am sure most court systems are but that is a post for another day.

Well I must ask two things here. Why has it taken this long to cut loose a guy who has brought nothing more than one Big 12 title and alot of hardship to to beloved team. The man had used up all of his nine lives this past season. When you go out and loose by a combined score of 100-6 you need to loose your job. That is no way for a legit team to play. The man has done this for two seasons and still kept his job? Backing into title games is no way to run a program. The man tends to suck the life out of the room with his my way or the highway attitude. Don't get me wrong here you can have an attitude like that but his is a detrement to the university and the players. This man seems to think if you cant pin it on me then I am not at fault well wrog you are at fault you are building a culture of hate towards a football team that has never been present in my state before. For that reason alone you need to go. No aplogy or statement can keep people from believing that you run a team of boys who believe they are higher then the kids they go to school with well they aren't and they need to bring in a man who can bring winning and class back to a school that has been missing it for the past 10 years. I would love to bring in Gary Kubiak or Pat Hill from Fresno St. I think they would bring that solid character and winning attitude back to a team that been lacking it.

Colorado has the potential to contend every year for the Big 12 title. They need to sever the head and the body will cleanse itself.

Mr. Barnett thanks for your time in Boulder but you ar no longer needed or wanted.

Wish i had more time to comment buy my opbligation as a citizen of this state becons once again...

Cause freedom costs a buck o'five.. .actually I am getting 10 bucks a day for this....Not bad

Wed Dec 07, 01:25:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

At least they have some sort of internet connection down here at the new seattle court house. I have been confined to a room over looking the sound and 30 various copies of old issues of US weekely. Erika would be in heaven here. I must also say that the WA state legal system is very interesting to say the least as I am sure most court systems are but that is a post for another day.

Well I must ask two things here. Why has it taken this long to cut loose a guy who has brought nothing more than one Big 12 title and alot of hardship to to beloved team. The man had used up all of his nine lives this past season. When you go out and loose by a combined score of 100-6 you need to loose your job. That is no way for a legit team to play. The man has done this for two seasons and still kept his job? Backing into title games is no way to run a program. The man tends to suck the life out of the room with his my way or the highway attitude. Don't get me wrong here you can have an attitude like that but his is a detrement to the university and the players. This man seems to think if you cant pin it on me then I am not at fault well wrog you are at fault you are building a culture of hate towards a football team that has never been present in my state before. For that reason alone you need to go. No aplogy or statement can keep people from believing that you run a team of boys who believe they are higher then the kids they go to school with well they aren't and they need to bring in a man who can bring winning and class back to a school that has been missing it for the past 10 years. I would love to bring in Gary Kubiak or Pat Hill from Fresno St. I think they would bring that solid character and winning attitude back to a team that been lacking it.

Colorado has the potential to contend every year for the Big 12 title. They need to sever the head and the body will cleanse itself.

Mr. Barnett thanks for your time in Boulder but you ar no longer needed or wanted.

Wish i had more time to comment buy my opbligation as a citizen of this state becons once again...

Cause freedom costs a buck o'five.. .actually I am getting 10 bucks a day for this....Not bad

Wed Dec 07, 01:25:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Wed Dec 07, 01:26:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Wed Dec 07, 01:26:00 PM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

Nice to know my tax $$$ are paying for train to post in the blog.

As for the Barnett firing. This should have happened two years ago. At least he can go to a party to drown out his sorrows

Wed Dec 07, 03:15:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Train really wanted to ram home that point...nine times...after working in an insurance company a day down at the courthouse is sort of like transporting to San Francisco circa 1967...glad to hear Train is going to be a determing factor in the fate of one of his fellow men...can you please reference a few scenes from "12 Angry Men"...or maybe explain what the "dirty sanchez" defense is?..." uhhhh...still working on that know...the one you started 3 years ago...uhhhh...little protaganist character maybe....uhhh...tackles adversity....uhhhh....overcomes know...uhhh...learns moral uhhh...still working on that....I think you could use some time off..."

Thu Dec 08, 07:29:00 AM PST  

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