Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Green Eagle Down

Last night in the snow, a few things happened last night that I found to be rather awkward. First the Seahawks were blowing out the Philadelphia Eagles. That wasn't surprising, it was that they were doing it on National Television. Second, how the defense stepped up and might have had their best tackling/hitting game of the year was also a shock.

I want to quote a friend last night: "The Seahawks are goin' to the Super Bowl"
Reply from the whole room: " I wouldn't be so sure of that"
My reasoning for this is because it's been since 1984 that Hawks have made any noise in the playoffs. So not to say I'm hesitant but I can't just jump to the conclusion that the Hawks are Bowl bound. They need to prove it to me.

Great show last night though, I was surprised with how the Eagles layed down and died and how dominating the Hawks were last night!


Blogger Unknown said...

I saw the game down here in Puerta Vallarta. An awesome display. I'm still not sure it proved anything though, considering Philly's two best offensive players were not playing in the game, but a well played game in all aspects nonetheless.

Fri Dec 09, 04:00:00 PM PST  

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