Friday, December 09, 2005

Puerto Vallarta.

Let's take a break from our normal programming to visit a friend down in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Jenny & I are having a great time and the box-springs are getting a good work out. I was able to catch the Monday Night Football game where the Hawks showed up in the snow and apparently the Eagles didn't get the memo the game was on a Monday instead of the regular Sunday matchup + futbol is on everywhere & I was able to watch the Champions league matchup between Real Madrid & Olympicaos the other day -- so the trip hasn't been completely without a touch of home.

At least one of our days was spent sick laying by the side of the pool after too many tequila shots and/or margaritas the day/night before -- but other that that the trip has been amazing.

Thanks to all that were able to make our wedding, for all the advice & for the support. I hope you each had a great time and I'll see you next Saturday at Jimbo's.


Blogger Goose said...

2 things come to mind

1) Im impressed that Joe 2.0 posted on his honeymoon

2) Joe. You are on your honeymoon...what the hell are you doing posting????

Sat Dec 10, 06:38:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I for one think that posting on your honeymoon is completely acceptable...besides, how many box springs and Tequila can you go through?...wait, scratch that comment...why the hell are you posting?

Sun Dec 11, 12:40:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Why did I post? Well, I was online emailing our ride from the airport our flight details and decided to check The Black Lodge and sent a shout out to my homies. I didn't know that move would be criticized.

We had a great time though. I updated the pics today since the images weren't coming in probably due to the inferior internet service in Mexico... a little eye-candy for your Monday.

Mon Dec 12, 10:13:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

Joe. some of us read the blog at work. Lets keep the nudity out ok?

If you want softcore porn, I hear the spice channel is available at $7.99 per movie.

Mon Dec 12, 12:59:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Point taken. I've edited the image slightly. I should have thought about that. Of course, I edited my post at work, so . . .

Mon Dec 12, 01:45:00 PM PST  
Blogger ExportRyan said...


This picture went well during a presentation I was giving for a class called "Anyone can blog!", I was busy explaining how it is no longer a fringe thing. People who like sports, Texas Rangers, and the like do it all the time.

Thank you for scarring my poor co-students. It took maximum Sport Coat and guile to click away in time, you set the internet back 10 years. Thanks.


Wed Dec 14, 11:28:00 PM PST  

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