Monday, December 12, 2005

Seahawks Sunday Review

While Joe was still testing his box springs, the Hawks welcomed the 2-10 S.F. 49ers lead by QB Alex Smith. I have to say, this 49er team either wasn't the same team the Hawks faced a couple of weeks ago or something clicked last MNF when the Seahawks put away the Eagles.

These last couple of weeks, the Hawks have played some mediocre teams and have put them away early. Not to say that either of those teams have been much competition but the Hawks never gave them a chance to feel like they were in the game.

These games are giving the lower string guys confidence which hopefully will be built up for the playoffs. Yesterday the Hawks opened their game by unveiling the NFC West banner for this year and went out and took over. Scoring on their first drive and then the Niners turned the ball over and I turned to a fellow Hawk fan and said they need to score on the first play and they did to Jurevicious in the endzone. Alexander quietly put together a 100 yard game and Hasslebeck put together on 4 TD strikes.

A good game and they will be tested next week, even though it's a down year for the Tennessee Oilers/Titans...

What is everyone else thoughts?

I will give you yet another topic...are the Seahawks impressing your or until they win a playoff game, are they not a contender?


Blogger Jimbo said...

Having watched about the first 5 minutes of the game and deciding that my time would be better spent pulling weeds and clearing brush in the yard (aka The Prez) I can't really comment on the game...

A few comments on the Hawks and NFL this week:

1) I don't think that you can underestimate how the Hawks have played these last two weeks, the addage is, good teams are supposed to beat bad teams, in what I call the NFL causality theory:

a) good team (a) sets up long punishing drives on bad team (b) leading to an early lead that creates a sense of panic from team (b)
b) working off concept a, team (b) presses to play outside of their gameplan (if said gameplan even exists)
c) team (b) presses and creates easy turnovers for team (a) creating an increase in the occurence of concept a and b this isn't always the case, but team (a) must first recognize they're team (a)in order to invoke concepts a & b say..."but Jimbo this is simply an example of cause and effect theory via the says: "exactly"
...but, the main point of the theory is that team (a) must understand they are team (a), which is what the last two weeks have shown for the Seahawks...that being said Seahawk fans, don't ever underestimate the power of the cliche..."one f'n game at a time"...

this one's for Train: "If the playoffs are all that your interested in...than that's what you'll receive"...cryptic, but true

2) I'm still liking the NFC East as the best conference in the NFL, over the weekend as they all moved on with next weekend's: 'Boys vs. 'Skins to determine the 2nd seed out of that division...personally not feeling good about Bledsoe in RFK in December, w/ the 'Skins not completely out of it...

3) while the NFC East might be the best overall...the NFC South is playing out quite well..(sidenote to Comcast and Fox...thanks for not putting TB vs. Carolina on in the morning...I know you wanted to make sure there was only one game on during the morning and it wasn't yours)....two 9-4 squads with a don't quit on us yet Atlanta squad lurking...quite possibly the one team no division winner wants to match up with...good drama

4) Tom Brady Patriots(can we just bypass the waiting period for the HOF and doing during the off season"we only love with 10% of our above about Atlanta, but to the power of 10) Bellichek going with a new theory this want to know how good I am...I'm going to still make the conference championship w/o my top coordinators, an NAIA secondary, and on the road for the semi's....

5) Thanks to the Steelers for finally destroying the "Bears could get homefield advantage throughout" talk...although the Orton qb rating watch was improved slightly this week with a 17-35 207 0td 0int game...good looking out Kylie...don't look now...that's B. Johnson in your rearview and hell's coming with him

6) Jordan Bronco's...12-10 over Baltimore at December?...please apply Bledsoe theory on the Road to Snake...good luck next week with Buffalo in Orchard Park...and the rematch with NE in the playoffs...remember:"He won't allow his team to lose...wait, he did, but barely...well, no theory, he won't allow his team to lose twice"...there, much better

7)and finally...I know I'd get S*** for not mentioning my main man Marques giving a less than inspired preformace at the Meadowland's for the rapidly diving Raiders...I just don't think that situation is right for's what happen's...opt out of the contract following the season and following Farve's retirement place yourself in a welcoming football enviornment and become the great #11 that your boys back at Montlake hear me on this?...I know you make it happen...give A. Rogers back to the bay...

Mon Dec 12, 01:50:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, they are a contender. And I'm not talking about Sly Stallone. I'm talking SuperBowl contender.

(I do realize that I'm the other Seahawk fan in the group, and I'm posting to agree with my fellow Seattle fanatic's opinion. So let's keep the Hawk-hating to a minimum.)

That said, the Hawks defense can finally stop the run this year, the corners don't break under pressure against good receivers (Holt being the main culpret the past few years) (Although the loss of the "Hammer" Hamlin to a street sign could be a big blow come Playoff time) & no one can stop the running game.

I think the front office deserves a pat on the back for most of the success leading up to this point in the season. They took the GM reins away from Holmgren, signed the right guys to the right amount of years to keep them happy (keeping Alexander on a contract year being the smartest move). This offseason, they'll have to tackle the Alexander contract & more importantly deal with Hutch & keeping the All-Pro left side of the O-line together for the rest of the decade.

Mon Dec 12, 01:55:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I think with the grace of god and his blessed agent...Mo$e$ Alexander will find a good home for Trinity and Heaven...maybe the Vikings will swing another 11 for 1 player swap aka "Pulling a Herchel"

Mon Dec 12, 03:08:00 PM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

"are the Seahawks impressing your or until they win a playoff game, are they not a contender?"
In a nutshell...I'm not impressed. I'm floored. I love watching these guys. They have provided me with some of the funnest football I've watched in ages.
In my heart of hearts I truly think they can go to Detroit...and even if they don't, I'll be okay with that. Can you remember the last time this city was so pumped about it's football team? For that alone, I'm just going to enjoy the ride...

Mon Dec 12, 03:24:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

"and even if they don't, I'll be okay with that. Can you remember the last time this city was so pumped about it's football team? For that alone, I'm just going to enjoy the ride..."

...and that, is why you fail...

Tue Dec 13, 07:57:00 AM PST  

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