Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Return to Glory?

I love to see that the buffs are targeting Dan Hawkins from Boise St. I don’t know a whole lot about him but I have heard the man is a great leader not only on the field and in practice but he’s been key in all the matters outside the normal coaching focuses. He is a great person in the city of Boise and has built a strong tie between the team and the city. Something that Barnett was never able to do. Barnett might have been good at motivation but he seriously lacked in the key department of relationship building. The city of Boulder needs to have that love for there team they had in the 80-90’s.

I don’t know if I like the style of play Hawkins will bring to the Big 12 or if that will even fly time will tell and this isn’t the WAC. I think it can. I do know I hate running the Boise O in NCAA ’06 – key here are tight ends. Which CU has a ton of? They lack speed at WR. They have a perfect RB in Hugh Charles to fit the Broncos mold so I think it bodes well but I can’t get all randy yet since I don’t know if the OC is coming along with Hawkins… that is huge.


Blogger Unknown said...

Main Entry: 1glo·ry
Pronunciation: 'glOr-E, 'glor-
Function: noun
Definition: praise, honor, or distinction extended by common consent

I guess my point is: Can CU "return" to glory? Were they ever there? When I look back on the program, I remember the Buffalo charging (good pic, Train, well done), a hail-mary to Westbrook & RB named Salaam.

Wed Dec 14, 02:46:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Well, the Buffs were a top 25 team from I believe 1989 to 2004. CU ranked #1 in the nation played for a National Championship in 1989 They then won a co-national Championship in 1990. The same amount of Championships as the UW and one more than Western Washington University. The competed in those years for the big 8/big 12 title either winning it or finishing second. CU produced 4 legitimate Heismen canidates. Hagen and Beinemy '90, Stewart and Salaam in '94. They played in Orange Bowls and Fiesta Bowls during that time beating ND twice. They also have a win in the Cotton Bowl over Oregon. I will admit that there was no winning tradition prior to that time frame but it was built upon brick by brick. You have Don James at the UW I have Bill McCartney. Two very similar College football teams. Colorado was on the map as a power house football team. They had respect and they dominated.

But I am biased...

Wed Dec 14, 03:00:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I think CU definitly had a "glory" period, because if they didn't...then neither did UW, although UW had most of the 80's as a decent to good team...knowing all my BSU connections, the power of that team comes from Hawkins great recruiting ability and persona in the locker room...that being said...the OC is the key...and I think he would be in line to take of the HC at BSU if Hawkins left...which, would limit what CU would get...either way...I think its an upgrade for the Buffs...we'll see...

Wed Dec 14, 04:57:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

UPDATE: ESPN has also learned that offensive coordinator Chris Petersen will remain at Boise State and replace Hawkins as head coach. Hawkins, however, is expected to take several of his assistants from Boise State with him to Colordao.

I am happy with the choice. I think there is a lot of upside to this even though we dont get the OC. The School needs a change.

Thu Dec 15, 09:04:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Oh it's definitley an upgrade...and I don't think it'll take too long either...Hawkins got things going right away for BSU...JuCO parties!!!

Thu Dec 15, 09:16:00 AM PST  

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