Friday, December 23, 2005

Jayne's Top 5 Albums

Okay…I couldn’t resist taking a turn at this….

Personally, for me, this was a really weak year for music. There wasn’t a whole lot of new stuff I gravitated more, and spent more of the year exploring the back catalogs of people like Miles Davis and the Clash. But still, I’ve come across a few gems over the year that I’ve dug quite a bit.

5. Phenomenauts – Re-Entry
A rockabilly/punk rock band from outer space. Sound odd? Well…it is. But still it’s a fun disc, and the 2nd best concert I saw all year. This is a really fun record that doesn’t try to be serious, but is musically competent and interesting.

4. The Dan Band – LIVE!
This was the BEST concert I saw all year long. You may remember these guys from their brief cameo as the wedding band in “Old School”. They only perform songs originally sung by women, and are always sure to throw the occasional curse word when you least expect it. This album is hilarious, and it’s the most bizarre/amazing concert you will ever see. When they next come to town, you’d be doing yourself a disservice by not going.

3. Foo Fighters – In Your Honor
A really solid effort from Dave Grohl and friends. The electric disc is a bit better than the acoustic disc, but they are both incredibly solid efforts. It’s amazing to think that 10 years ago Grohl was “Just that drummer from Nirvana”, as he has proven to be an amazing song writer.

2. Bruce Springsteen – Devils And Dust
Every once in a while Springsteen goes off and makes a solo acoustic record made up of tales of men living on either the wrong side of the law or the wrong side of the tracks. Not since “Nebraska” (An album that even Johnny Cash covered songs off of) has Springsteen put out a solo disc of this quality. Every track is a story ranging in topics such as a soldier losing his soul on the battlefield (“Devils and Dust”, a track that would make a young Bob Dylan proud) to a story of a man trying (and failing) to find solace in a prostitute (“Reno”). This is a damn fine record.

1. Gorillaz – Demon Days
The first Gorillaz album was my top disc of 2001, and I really didn’t expect to hear from them again. I figured Damon would go back to blur, and Dan the Automator would go back to his solo career. When I heard that the band was putting out another album without Dan I was skeptical. After all, he was just as responsible for coming up with the bands unique sound as Damon. But when Demon Days was released with DJ Danger Mouse filling in, I was blown away. This wasn’t a retread on familiar territory. The Gorillaz pushed things further and made a very experimental album. There’s trip hop, and the material isn’t nearly as light hearted, but it’s still able to be a great dance record. And this album gets props for having the coolest guest appearance, being Dennis Hopper and the track “Fire Coming Out Of The Monkey’s Head”.


Blogger Unknown said...

The Gorillaz album narrowly missed my list. Danger Mouse is man. If you have never got a copy of Danger Mouse's "Grey Album" of his mixing the Jay-Z "Black Album" (a classic, by the way) with The Beatles "White Album", you have done yourself a disservice. It's really really really good.

Also, not sure why you couldn't have just posted in the "Comments", but nice job on the pictures. I think you just like seeing your name in print, but that's another story. Jayne, I can tell you are a big fan of space between your paragraphs. But just so you know, there is an 'edit' button (the pencil icon) that you can reformat your posts with.

That said, I'm definitely going to check out the Springsteen album you mentioned. You hinted at Dylan twice in the synopsis and I'm eager to get a listen.

Fri Dec 23, 10:53:00 AM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

What can I ego is EPIC!

Fri Dec 23, 11:21:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

good list good, I do like your #5 and #1 entries...I was a big fan of Man or Astroman...and if your description fits than I should be listening...oh, and Nebraska is the Boss's best album. that's fact not opinion...I heard Devil and Dust was good, but I usually don't listen to a lot of Bruce...kudo's to the Gorillaz, it may not have been the best album of the year...but I did listen to it the most...which I guess should make it the best album of the year...

Fri Dec 23, 01:31:00 PM PST  

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