Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Millwood I can see, but... Washburn?

The Mariners finally announced the signing of Jarrod Washburn today. I just cannot get excited about this free agent pickup. He's only won more than 11 games once in his career, for crap's sake! Yes, the 3.93 ERA for his career is decent. But I can't help but think that other GM's around MLB are cracking jokes today about Seattle.

Mariner's GM Bill Bavasi is quoted saying, "The market is what it is. We knew what the brackets were, up and down, and we slipped him in." "We slipped him in" is not something I ever want my hometown GM saying in a news conference, let alone here that anywhere. I would much rather have signed Kevin Millwood for 1 or 2 mil. dollors more per year. Washburn hasn't led a staff like Millwood. And Washburn is just as fragile as A.J. Burnett. Man, I hope they trade Jeremy Reed for Arroyo or Clement, because overall, I'm not happy with the Mariners front office moves to this point.


Blogger Casey said...

Personally, I like the signing. True, we overpaid for him...but every free agent pitcher is getting overpaid this year.
Here's what I like:

1. He's been a fly ball pitcher playing in a hitters ball park (which led to his 5.76 ERA at home). Now he's going into Safeco...somewhere I think he'll thrive (and in the past has has moderate success).

2. The guy has a reputation as being good club house guy. I know it's cliche', but the Mariners have played like their sleeping the last couple of years. They need club house guys just as much as left handed power in my mind.

3. His ERA is quite decent, and was 3.20 last year. Plus, when he's healthy (which is a whole other concern) the guy eats up innings.

4. He's left handed.

5. His ERA vs Oakland is 1.80, and vs. Texas it's 2.30. For a pair of teams, we're going to play a lot, that's something to consider.

As for the Jeremy Reed trade. I'm hesitant to give him up, especially because I think he's really going to break out sooner rather than later. However, if I had to trade him I'd push for Arroyo over Clement any day of the week. Clement's contract is way to bloated, and Arroyo is younger and has more potential.

Tue Dec 20, 12:24:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I'm luke-warm on this deal...the things I like:
1) ERA should go down playing in Seattle, had a road ERA under 3 last year
2) Let's face it, definite improvement for the staff
3) might improve w/ exposure to Moyer...no longer relies on fastball...looking to improve changeup and curve...could be a productive three years....

Ok...put the kool-aid down, here's what not to like
1) "I think you paid too much for that muffler?"...you think almost 10 million a year for a guy who's at best your #2, but more likely a solid #3?...you better hope he's solid because
2) you just signed him until 2010...and if doesn't end up being a solid 2 or 3 you're paying way too much for a 4th or 5th starter...last time I checked Seattle isn't Boston or NY, were you can have that much money not contributing
3) taking LA/ANA/CAL table scraps is probably not the best way to work your way back up the food chain in the AL West

I just think you're placing a lot on Felix the Kid to be the ace by the end of the year or even next year...Millwood would've allowed you to put Felix back in the rotation and let him come along slower...maybe neither approach will work...just don't think you give the keys over quite yet after only a two months of pitching...

Tue Dec 20, 12:29:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

I don’t think that anyone is getting worked up over this signing except Washburn and his agent. Bavasi reminds me of a kid who gets a chemistry set for his birthday and kinda just mixes all the chemicals together to see what happens and up his face doesn’t get blown off. Washburn is not a number 1 starting which this team is dying for. I think it is a nice pick up and a pricy replacement for Ryan Franklin. Washburn has an iffy elbow and his strikeout rate is on the decline "Jarrod is a proven major league winner who immediately makes us better in the starting rotation," said GM Bill Bavasi. Yeah but there are better was of getting better.

Tue Dec 20, 12:29:00 PM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

I think this reeks of trying to have lightning strike twice.

In 1996 they aquired a 33 year old lefty. Decent stats but nothing overpowering. Strong clubhouse guy. 9 years later Jaime Moyer is the M's alltime winningest pitcher.

One problem. Lightning almost never strikes twice.

Tue Dec 20, 12:38:00 PM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

As for the table scraps comments, that's not entirely true. The Angels have a reputation for being very strict with their payroll. The had a certain amount to spend, and they will cut whatever is necessary in order to do that (which is exclusively the reason why they let one of the best catchers in the league go). The rotation has 6 pitchers, which is one too many. Most of their roster is still under contract, so the odd man out quickly became Washburn.

Tue Dec 20, 12:39:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Let's hope Washburn turns out better than the previous two ex-Angels, Scott Spiezio and Aaron Sele, whom Bavasi brought to the Mariners. But that might be a lot to hope for.

Although, I've seen lightening strike twice. No lie. My buddy John was struck by lightening twice on two seperate hikes up Mt. Dickerman and Three Fingers, respectively. Of course, he's a 6'7" Dutchman, but it still happens.

Tue Dec 20, 01:58:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I think the lighting has more to due with Dutchman factor than the 6'7"...everyone knows Mother Nature hates the Dutch...true story...when in Rome...

Tue Dec 20, 02:22:00 PM PST  

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