Friday, December 16, 2005

Anatomy of a Momma’s Boy

I am amazed to see yet again Alex Rodriguez take the easy way out. Well I am not that amazed because the man has done it his whole career.

Having been forced to come to a decision to either play for the USA or The Dominican Republic in the World Baseball Classic this coming March Alex decided that he could not decide and didn’t want to dishonor either country. To you this might seem to be a legit excuse but coming from the resident minority in the lodge I find it a huge copout. Alex Rodriguez could very well be the biggest wet blanket in all of sports. He stated in the Post that “Playing baseball for the New York Yankees allows you to honor and advance the interest of both without division.” The quote right there says it all.

Do you think that either country would have been upset if they were not chosen? I don’t think so. Who ever you play for that is fine just play. The majority of MLB stars are making a go of the World Baseball Classic. Mike Piazza is playing for Italy for god’s sake. He was able to make a choice with out worry about his image or what might happen because I think we all know that Italy needs to only enter into sporting events that involve foot work.

Alex just doesn’t embody someone I could ever get behind. He shows no passion no real heart he just seems like a guy who wants to be PC and never take a risk with anything. This isn’t meant to be a rant about how I think Arod Scorned me by leaving Seattle and nothing he can do can be great. This is a story about how when forced to make a stand Arod takes the easy way out and tries not to step on toes. He speaks from his wallet and the prepared speeches he must receive. He has no heart.


Blogger Casey said...

You do know he's the devil, right?

Fri Dec 16, 11:45:00 AM PST  
Blogger The Dude said...

Great rant train...I was goin' to comment on Arod...he is the biggest wuss in the league and this solidified it. I couldn't agree more. Pick a team and live with it. Who knows, one year, play for the Dominican and the next the USA...

Buck up!

Fri Dec 16, 11:52:00 AM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I don't know about the Devil, but he's definitely working for the Dark Side.

My favorite part about this story is ARod always riding the fence like a politicial trying to gain points in the polls. The following quote about his decision on not playing in the Classic epitomizes Rodriguez's entire fake-ass persona:

"I am proud to be an American citizen and to have a Dominican legacy. My commitment to baseball is secondary to honoring my patriotic duties to my country and my ancestors," Rodriguez told the NY Post.

Fri Dec 16, 11:54:00 AM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

No. I'm serious. He's the devil. He's got horns and everything.

Fri Dec 16, 12:00:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Interesting take from the Lodge on A Rod...and Joe, I love the quote, it's always fun to play the Yoda game with quotes like that...

"I will work with my proud citizenship and my ancestory to make sure that the patrioc duites of the country are honored."

I don't tend to have a problem with the an individual sport like baseball and the most individual team in all of world-wide professional sports he should be worshipped...

Put it this way...if Tiger Woods played baseball, he would be looked at as negatively if not more than A Rod, for his commitment to #1...can you really fault the guy? some the game isn't about W's and L's...and that should be ok right?'s a job?

I think this is a great example to further prove my point that level of talent doesn't always equate to level of play...A Rod is the best in baseball, no doubt aobut that (although there are questions about whether he's the best w/o his team being up by 4 runs) he chooses to play the game is his golf he'd be worshipped, much like the Swoosh is now...

This is the model that MJ laid forth...this is how its done...don't compromise your product base by taking a stance one way or the other...the dollars are too important...when the controversy at Augusta happened a couple of years ago...Tiger knew better than to say anything that put him on either side of the argument...its the term: "marketing savy"...

and the World Baseball Classic I think is a flawed idea...if they're serious about doing this than how about taking away about 20-30 games on the schedule to accomodate for it?...this is a real world example of the amateur-professional debate...don't fault a guy for not wanting to risk the 20-30 million pay out of free agency by getting hurt in a non-MLB team based exhibition where the winning earns a ? gold medal? trophy? bragging rights? $50 gift certificate to Applebee's?

Fri Dec 16, 01:34:00 PM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

I think you're missing the point...

HE'S EVIL!!!!!

Fri Dec 16, 01:40:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nice job on including links on this post, Train. You'll have to try again on the pictures though. Also, a novel try on attempting to format the image for the first time instead of placing it big and wasting space in the middle of your post like Jayne constantly does. Jayne, you may be a man, but you post pictures like a woman.

Fri Dec 16, 02:28:00 PM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

Now you're just damaging my calm.

If I actually posted smaller pictures, it would place text along the side of the pics...Sadly I only ever post movie posters, and I think they look better big...punk.

By the way...that A-rod guy...he's evil.

Fri Dec 16, 02:34:00 PM PST  

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