Friday, December 23, 2005

Jimbo's not 2005, but the top 5 records that were heard during the year...

Resisting the urge to duplicate Joe 2.0 and Jayne's list, I've come up with a new definition of my top 5 albums of 2005...because honestly if I bought the album and have never heard it is new to me...lame I know...but I can honestly say that I didn't hear 5 full albums from artists this year so here goes, hmmm after writing this I think I did, but that doesn't matter:

honorable mention goes to : My Morning Jacket and Gorillaz...which would've made the list but they've already been covered and no one wants to read re-tread material do they?

*I have to mention because the Lodge looks out for one of their own:

photoWorld Leader Pretend-Punches...for my boy Matt Martin-lead guitarist, my guy in NO now Chicago...spend early part of High School in NO with this guy and well...he's with a pretty good band that's trying to make it happen...album is quality and at times sounds like a debut but has hooks and melodies of a 2nd or 3rd record, if I knew how to do it I'd put the album up...let me know if anyone wants to hear it...

5-Silversun Pickups/Amusement Parks on Fire- thanks to KEXP once again for some awesome podcasting that actually promotes record buying...note to music industry: its not the mp3''s the music...anyway...
Amusement Parks on Fire: from a bunch of 18 and 19 year-old's from Nottingham...just rock all the time with some fairly decent interlude's...very raw...look forward to this band or the songwriter me some rock

photoSilversun Pickups-Pikul: another debut record, but extremely good with unique vocals...once again all the way rock with great dynamics...definitely a band to stay tuned for...could be really good or could be one and done

photo4-DangerDoom-The Mouse and the Mask-Joe 2.0, I need a copy of the Grey Album...this teams up two favorites of the Jimbo...MF Doom, underground rapper with huge resume, who put's the old school game back in Hip Hop...and Danger Mouse who is quickly becoming the Rick Rubin of the 21st Century...haven't heard this record as much as I'd like, (just picked it up last week) but loving it so far...expanded beats and free-form slangin' by Doom

photo3-White Stripes-Get Behind Me Satan...always critized the group in the past for not bringing it on the other 95% of their records...but I absolutely love the strip down approach here...Jack and piano with minimal Meg...I challenge anyone to argue about the songwriting talents of Mr. his approach to vintage recording and stripped down sound

photophoto2-Allman Brothers Band-Eate a Peach and Live at the Fillmore East-really a band that I should've gotten into about 10 years ago when I was driving around in my Jeep with tinted windows and the smoke stack coming out everytime the door opened, but better late than never...having serious southern roots and loving the now extinct 17min jam...this group is quickly moving up the charts as one of my favorites...during the recording of Live at the Fillmore East they played I think 3 to 4 shows until something like 3 or 4 in the morning...that's f'n rock n' roll...Eat a Peach incorporates the live feel, but some f'n excellent tracks and flows like a great record...or maybe it's just me

photo1-Bob Dylan-Nashville Skyline...really don't know what to say here, finally entered the Dylan phase of my life, about 7 years after Dude, but discovered how much I love this record, and after a half rack of PBR and bottle of Early Times you will too...the only man that could've given life back to a dying Nashville scene, completely brings it...from the Girl from the North Country w/ the MAN to Lay Lady Lay with the new Dylan Voice this album is perfectly timed, recorded and produced...highlights also on one of the most underrated cuts of all-time "I threw it all away"...if you aren't in to Dylan don't try this one...but, if you're looking for a place to start this is it...


Blogger Train said...

My problem is I can never remember bands the way I remember movies. I totally agree with Amusement Parks on Fire. I also wanted to thank you for taking me to see Matty Martin and the WLP. Great show, just wish they could have played longer.

Allman Bros. and Dylan I had the luxury of listening to with the pops while growing up. Gotta give it up to him for teaching me the benifits of classis.

Jimbo you are my ticket to the music world and I have to say this was a great topic. Since I am so behind in music. What you guys heard in 2000 I am just getting to.

Fri Dec 23, 03:02:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nashville Skyline is a classic. I'll revisit Dylan in a future post, but a great addition. And you'll get a copy of the Grey Album, consider it done.

I must admit, "Get Behind Me Satan" just missed my Top-5. I haven't listened to it enough to garner it Top-5 status, and that's how Aqualung beat Jack out in the end. But I agree, great album, love the stripped down continuation of his work on Loretta Lynn's "Van Lear Rose" (if you haven't picked up a copy of this album, or at least downloaded a copy of the single "Portland Oregon", you've done yourself a disservice.).

And a quick comment about the Allman Brothers: 2 years ago at the Sasquatch festival (An amazing lineup including my roommates, The Pale, and the following: Coldplay, Jurassic 5, The Flaming Lips, Death Cab for Cutie, Joseph Arthur, Jason Mraz & Niko Case), because of All-Access passes (due to The Pale being on the ticket) we were able to easily avoid the crowds and hop from stage to stage and get free beer, food and shit, but that's another story, because . . . The Pale's booking manager (at the time) told us that we had to see My Morning Jacket perform . . . so we took his advice and sat down behind the side stage for a listen . . .

. . . and were subsequently blown away. I'm totally serious when I say to you that it was like watching and listening to a reincarnation of the Allman Brothers. No lie. I've seen them 3 times at the Showbox since that summer show, and have not been disappointed yet. Better every time, they will bring the rock. Guaranteed.

Sun Dec 25, 03:16:00 AM PST  

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