How does it do on common household stains?
So apparently Moses Alexander is more in touch with the big man than we thought...even to the point of invicible status... you know me, I'm all for personal freedom's....but I draw the line a Holistic healing...( a man has to draw the line somewhere)...perhaps we'll see Moses on the next episode of House M.D....
I love it. He doesn't even have to play.....just make the trip and suit up and sit your ass on the bench.....just to eff with the Chi-town Bears a little bit.
Could alter the way that they have to prepare....and every little bit is going to help on Sunday night.
I've never seen prayer work on household stains... but apparently God is a Hawks fan.
that's because you've never seen the floors as Alexander's house...
I think the real person we have to thank here is pastor Casey Treat...
Can I get an Amen????
No, but I will fight that Casey Treat guy.
wow...we finally found the battle royale matchup for the resident Dutchy...
Does anyone else think Train's face lit up when the Lodge mentioned House...
I think it's far fetched...can we just assume that Shaun is a fast even if the swelling is down...there is no guarentee that the bone has healed.
Na, That was MCP - He is the house fan. I just couldn't get into it.
Casey Treat vs. 2.0. I would pay to see that. Though I imagine there would be alot of slapping.
Let's get those two in the Octagon!
Nice Christian vs. Christian!! Maybe would could throw in a few lions and the it could escalate rather quickly...
Octagon Battle Royale...w/ Christian v. Christian as the opener for Raja Bell v. Kobe...
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