Friday, March 09, 2007

Comic Justice

I know I already did the Captain America post, but I just had to add this. Because it's not news unless it's on the Daily Show or Colbert report...

Last nights WORD: "Comic Justice"


Just saw the Hawks signed Deon Grant (6 years, 30 Million), making him one of the highest paid safties in the league. I'll be honest and admit that I don't know too much about this guy, but everything I've read this morning sounds quite promissing.

I guess this is goodbye to the Hammer?


Blogger seatownshawn said...

Say what you will...but it better not be goodbye to the Hammer....this doesn't "solve" anything. I would like to see both Grant and Hamlin back was BOULWARE that gave up the big ones last season.

Hammer just can't tackle...which is a seperate issue. I think we will keep Hamlin, because it appears that he may not be picked up by anyone else due to concerns over his melon.

Fri Mar 09, 09:08:00 AM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

Very cool...thanks for the info, Shawn!

I don't actually want to see Hamlin go, but I figured a move like this meant he would be a goner, considering he's a free agent.

Fri Mar 09, 09:12:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Don't the Hawks also have Mike Green ( can't remember his name) who they traded Chicago for? Won't her now replace Hamlin?

Fri Mar 09, 09:16:00 AM PST  
Blogger seatownshawn said...

I like the idea of the Green and Grant duo.....I forgot about him.

He could have started last year if he was healthy.

The safeties' play last season was SO disappointing....I think the addition of a solid safety and Kerney shore up a few spots on D that were solid in '05. Tubbs needs to be healthy this year and it's ON!

Fri Mar 09, 09:21:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

I think Grant and Green are your starting safties. Boulware is your Nickel or Dime LB (Where he excelled in is rookie year)

Hamlins issue is tackling, and unfortunately his "Hammer" personality got the best of him. Too many times tried to make a big hit, rather than a solid tackle.

And his angle tackling was horrific. I see Chester Taylor going 95yds still to this day.

Fri Mar 09, 10:10:00 AM PST  
Blogger theDUKE said...

i tried to make a BATarang as a kid. today one of my toes is shorter than the others. guess which one.

Fri Mar 09, 12:14:00 PM PST  

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