Thursday, March 08, 2007

Double shot of my Babies love....

MCP pointed this story out to me and I had to notify the Butted ones number 1 fan club.

Looks like Tom Brady has a problem with finding a good contraception manufacturer. Word has it that he has now buried his seed into two supermodels. I don’t know weather to praise the guy or send him a box o’ Trojans. Leo never had this problem.


Blogger Casey said...

I can't tell if this is a signal of Brady's de-evolution into White Trash-land.

On the one hand, he knocked up two different women with-in months of each other, but on the other hand they were both famous models.

Thu Mar 08, 02:29:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

cute icon MCP...I think this is actually signs of advancement...say what you want about the butted-one, when he shoots...he shoots on target...

I think embyro photos for the Brasilian/Butted-One will be in next months Vogue in a 12-page layout...

Thu Mar 08, 02:39:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I welcome his potent seed any day of the week - one way to get NFL quality genes into the pool.

Thu Mar 08, 04:14:00 PM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

The Seahawks released Grant Wistrom!?!?!?!?

Thu Mar 08, 04:18:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Did you not see that one coming Jayne?

Thu Mar 08, 04:21:00 PM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

Not until after I read that he wasn't willing to re-structure his deal.
Kearney does have injury problems, I guess I just figured they'd try to hang on to both of them.

But then again...I DID draft 2 what do I know?

Thu Mar 08, 04:31:00 PM PST  
Blogger seatownshawn said...

Kerney sat out last year due to a torn pectoral knee problems or shoulder problems....I'm not worried about his ability to compete.

Wistrom quickly became known as the $14 million man after he signed....and I can ALMOST count the number of times I uttered the phrase " THAT was a $14 million sack!" on one hand.....actually, I COULD count on both hands and one toe.....

Fri Mar 09, 07:32:00 AM PST  

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