Thursday, February 23, 2006

Who do you play for?

Dude, it’s Saturday night. You know what that means? It’s hockey night in Canada. Being the only guy in the lodge that utters those words I thought it was a good time to bring up the debacle on ice. Yep, Michelle Kwan is out. No. I’m talking Pro’s in the Olympic hockey tournament.

Good lord I’m glad I’m not in Canada right now. I can only imagine the collective blood boiling and true disbelief that the land that made hockey is not even going to be in the medal rounds. Canyou imagine what gun sales would be like there if they could buy them? Guaranteed suicide rate increase by 10%, a national day of mourning if you will. Now with the US team I easily saw them putting up a 1-4-1 record especially with the roster they brought to Torino. Aging vets aren’t going to get it done and Mike Richter ain’t between the pipes no more.

I bring this up due to the fact that I think it’s time we take the tourney back to the kids the armatures. I want the unknowns. I want to feel the excitement of kids from Winston, Mass Elk Snout, Wisconsin and Bangor, Maine. The Canucks brought a team filled with eight current or former NHL team captains, eight Lord Stanley winners and eight returning gold medal winners from Salt Lake. Yet, they were held scoreless for 15 periods. To me that says the pros get you nothing more then a nice media buzz and an allusion that the best are playing. I say take a chance and go back the real ideals of the games. The whole pro aspect was nice for a time but now it seems more like a hinder ant.

I don’t know this was just a rant I wanted to get off my chest. I just want a miracle again. I guess since I never got to experience it. I know times have changed and that will never happen again but the thought of real armatures is a pipe dream. The sports world is too big to go back to it. The Jim Craig’s and Mike Eruzeonis are gone.


Blogger Jimbo said...

I guess I'm with you on this rant Train...but, I would add a few other things:

*you aren't ever going to have the miracle on ice again in any sport unless the Taliban decides to play in '08...
*I think the need for an actually "team" is more important than fielding a group of NHL players for a "celebrities on Ice" tour, I don't care if its amatuer or Pro, I just want the best of the sport...this same argument is made at the World Cup every 4 years...its not the best "team" just the greatest collection of stars...

Thu Feb 23, 09:48:00 AM PST  
Blogger Casey said...

Actually, we may see another miracle team yet.
The NHL has expressed that they don't want to continue allowing their players to do the olympics after the 2010 games.
How cool is that?

Thu Feb 23, 09:56:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

That Taliban comment is interesting.

I was riding to Bellingham with a guy from work who is Juanitas HS Basketball Coach. We were talking about the Olympics. I said the lack of a Cold War rival like Russia makes the Olympics hard to watch. There is just no rivalry.

Just my 2 cents. Bring in the Taliban

Thu Feb 23, 10:00:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

kool like aid

Thu Feb 23, 10:01:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

I am sensing in a few years we might have a strong rivalry against Iran in Soccer. Some how they seem to always play us in the WC but it's only soccer.

Yep, the thaw of the cold war killed it all. Now I have to watch to US speed skates piss and moan like little girls about how they dissed each other. These Olympics have been horrible.

Though I'm a huge fan of the Nordic Combined. Cause someone thought to mix cross-country and Ski Jumping.

Thu Feb 23, 10:12:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

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Thu Feb 23, 10:25:00 AM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

They need a new Event based upon James Bond in For Your Eyes only.

Have a Guy on skis being chased by 2 other guys on Motorcycles armed with Machine guns through the Olympic village.

I'd watch that religiously!!!

Thu Feb 23, 10:26:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

That would be good...and Train I hate to become a Republican talking track...but, I'm really hating on the US during Torin...considering the only thing I followed was Shaun "Tomato Head-now linked to Lindsey Lohan" White winning the gold, which is completely ridiculous...that's the poster boy for Olympic Gold? perhaps GoldSeal, you know:the #1 proven non-traceable urine cleaner for when you have that emergency drug test the next morning?

I love my country, and I don't mean this to the majority of amatuer athletes that compete, but to the ones that the USOC and NBC decided to spotlight and hype only to be highlighted by Bode "Crashing like Ricky Williams" Miller and the Snowboard Chick caught showboating...just another ugly reflection on a country that feels entitled to win, rather than feeling fortunate to compete...

I'm guessing that's the way its always been...sure didn't seem that way in Miracle...

Thu Feb 23, 10:46:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Nothing wrong at all feeling that way and it's not coming from the right and the old mans feeling on these kids are just to damn rowdy.

I sense the feeling of intitlement from the US atheletes. It hurts to feel more passion for the guy from Kenya competing in the Nordic cross country then to care at all about Anton Apollo Creed.

Thu Feb 23, 11:01:00 AM PST  
Blogger theDUKE said...

You guys are probably right, without a rival to focus on like the USSR its just not as interesting. By the same token, without this heated rivalry its allowing other countries to get good at what they're good at instead two countries trying to be good at everything. Maybe we should do the same thing because it looks like Korea is going to have a lock on speed skating for a while, Russia is going dominate pairs skating, and Canada will always wipe us out at curling. Instead of national pressure now you can have individual shining moments of endurance and tenacity. I like that a lot, as much as they try to promote back stories about olympic athletes there are surprise moments that happen they can't cover since its not scripted and nationalism takes a backseat. Ex: Chinese cutie Zhang Dan who was thrown into Quadruple Salchow but ended crashing onto the ice and into the barrier. It was plain to everybody this would be the end 20 seconds into it. BUT NO, she got up completed the program with her partner and upset her teammates as the favorites and stole the Silver. Gangster...

We can only really hope to see things heat up when we start open conflict pacific war with China in 10 years. I'm brushing on my Mandarin and getting ready to remember classic Olympics in my bomb shelter with the original Best of the Best dvd.

Thu Feb 23, 12:41:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

can Korea bring in speed skating?...damn right...good point on the rise of the new me a spot in the bunker, I'll bring the Wild Turkey

Thu Feb 23, 12:47:00 PM PST  
Blogger Train said...

China + North Korea= well something more powerfull then red vines and mr. pibb.

Never get involved in a land war in Asia.

Thu Feb 23, 01:39:00 PM PST  
Blogger Goose said...

Good advice. Someone should have told that to LBJ

Thu Feb 23, 01:41:00 PM PST  

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