Friday, March 09, 2007

I Want That One!

PSV v. Liverpool

Chelsea v. Valencia

Roma v. Man U

AC Milan v. B. Munich

Looks like the fix is in for the Scouse. Or can the Dutchies make them pay? Will Joe buy a PSV jersey now?

Chelsea looks to have the roughest tie but hopefgfully can work some magic at home and have a big enough goal difference heading into the away game.

Man U shouldn't get to comfortable with there draw. The Romans are a team to be feared at home and away. I see Roma winning this.

AC Milan vs. Munich is huge on the continent. A clash between two UEFA powerhouses. This is a game I would love to be at... Well only the German leg.

Semi Final potential Matchups look like this:

Valencia/Chelsea v. PSV/Liverpool

Roma/Man U v. AC Milan/B.Munich


Blogger seatownshawn said...

So I'm lame.....when are these matches? Are they at weird times so it's hard to watch them?

....maybe we need to coordinate a Lodge marathon of watching one of these games and then a '21st Century Portrait'......

Fri Mar 09, 09:34:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Yes, We really need to meet up and Watch Zidane.

These matchups will be played on

April 3-4 and April 10-11

We usually get together at the lodge for a game the nights they are played. All games are on Tues and Wed.

Games are on ESPN2 at 11.30pm and ESPNClassic at 2.00pm both tues and wed.

You are always welcome to come over and would love to have anyone that wants to make it out.

PS- For anyone who wants to make it out to the G and D on Sunday. I am going to be watching the Chelsea v. Tottenham FA cup game at 8am.

Fri Mar 09, 09:43:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

That's 11.30am on ESPN2 not PM

Fri Mar 09, 09:44:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I see Roma winning this......thanks that your honest analysis or just your Blue Bias? Roma currently sit 16 points behind Inter in a very very weak Serie A...doesn't matter?...well, consider this...Roma are 16 back(not going to win it) and 9 up on Palermo (not going to catch them)...meaning that Roma aren't going to be involved in a meaningful match until they play the Devils in April...

Compare that to a ManU side that has fought through their worst strech of play all season and the result of the last three games were they've looked horrible? 9pts out of 9pts...I don't know much about football, but what I do know is that the ebb and flow (Arsenal) doesn't last very long on either side...and for a fan of a team that was an average Goalkeeper away from heading to extra's with Porto, I would be extremely worried about a Valencia side that can mix it up in the mid-field and press the back four like Valencia...

Is it easy for either side? I like opening away before heading back to Old Trafford...of course...I don't think any club at this point is a lock...

As for CTown...this next leg gets intense and is best experienced with others and preferably after consuming multiple beverages...

Fri Mar 09, 10:12:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

Calm down there Champ... You should know by now that it was just a little jab at MAN U. You would do the same...

All these games are rough. It just seems like some teams tend to really play well in the CL. Roma looks to be that club right now. Man U looks like a Mash Unit right now and for them to progress they are going to need major production from Rooney who is I believe with out a goal since his hat-trick last year. Otherwise Roma is going to just hold the back line and keep all eyes on Ronaldo. If they do that and Rooney doesn't take over. Roma has a decided edge.

Chelsea have there hands full don't get me wrong. Valencia across the board have the talent to run all over Chelsea. The only way Chelsea progress is with Terry back to shore up the D. The Goal will come it's just the defense that is going to have to play to there potential. This is the English team that has the least margin of error in the next round.

Fri Mar 09, 10:27:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

oh the jabs...remember that there's three and half weeks before the next match, including an international break...yes...Roma were great against Lyon...I'm not worried about my takes poise and confidence to get it done at this level...something Roma has never accomplished...and there's several members of the other Red side that know what? we'll just see about it...

Fri Mar 09, 10:36:00 AM PST  
Blogger Train said...

You just want me to say I'm scared of Valencia... Well, might be right

Yes, Jimmy MAN U have plenty of options when it comes to scoring and I haven't forgotten that.

All these teams at this stage better have poise and confidence.

I think we might have to do some Lodge CL double features.

Fri Mar 09, 10:59:00 AM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

I loved the video of the draw -- with roughly 250 old guys in suits.

ManU really has a tough road ahead against Roma and then having to move on to face the winner of Bayern v. Milan... this year they look unbeatable, but those are 3 tough mothers of teams. Sorry, Jimbo.

Fri Mar 09, 01:28:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I love how ManU was the only squad to win both legs of the previous round and outside of Roma the only team to not allow a goal, and yet everyone is ready to annoint Roma as the next Kings of Europe...did I miss something?...

I'm also more worried about Roma than I am either Milan or Bayern...but, as Fergie put it..."it's foolish to look beyond our next CL match"...I don't know how many more times we have to reiterate that when there are only 8 teams left, and each team has qualified through two legs (8 matches) that everyone is extremely my opinion the home/away draw and the difficulty of your stadium have more to do with victory than your roster...and why is ManU being singled out as the English weak-link, when the 2nd leg of the Valencia/Chelsea matchup is going to prevent The Chosen One from ever winning a European Cup with Chelsea...

and you're going to have real issues 2.0 when Kuyt is taken out by a Dutch Club thumbing there way through their own version of "Walk On"....

F'n Wanka....

Fri Mar 09, 01:44:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Haha! I knew that'd get you riled up. Brackets aren't everything... otherwise UW would be playing Cal/Ore in the Pac-10 Final tomorrow.

Could you believe the refs in that game? I might have sworn 80 times in the 2 hour game. Friggin unbelievable. Welcome to the NIT, Dawgs.

Fri Mar 09, 01:55:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jimbo said...

You're like a child that wonders into a conversation...

Fri Mar 09, 02:39:00 PM PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Let me know if you want to go tonight... outside chance I'll be wanting to go watch the experience. According to a Showbox employee speaking anonymously, they ordered 10 cases of Half & Half in advance for tonight's festivities.

Fri Mar 09, 03:31:00 PM PST  

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