Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Life isn't like the cover of Abbey Road

Set the controls for the heart of the sun, and make sure there’s an IPA and a Show going while you’re at it. Here’s the venom:

*Lack of bowling skills

Not necessarily in that order. At this time of night it seems like a fading memory that deserves very little play. The lack of play that only JR Smith would understand, but regardless, the Lodge moves on. We recognize the brilliance in survival, and more important than survival: Winterland Arena 1974.

Without plagiarizing too much from Coach D’Amato, life takes an inch at a time. Life takes accepting a merging automobile, an acronym labeled HR that incorporates the following letters: H-U-M-A-N and co-workers that try not to take their best material from Mike Judge. I realized today (and my entire existence as a tax-payer) that life is an adversary that needs a week to game-plan against. Sorry, I confused life with the sports again. You’re right, I don’t have coordinators or a mascot (not your fault Cash) but I do have reps and rookies, so I’ll go from there.

Guidelines for the working environment with Jimbo (and thoughts he might have during your employment):

*It’s not that its 0930, it’s that I assumed by this point I would be teaching at the Jedi Academy.
*I do like conversation, but only when you’ve had couple.
*Two-hour meeting? Just say where and when.
*Saturdays? That’s the day the lord gave to you to make me work for free
*Hungover? No, I would’ve called in sick; I consider this homework for today.
*Miami sounds great, so you’re out of the closet now?

If you don’t associate with the six statements above then f@&k you Steve Sanders, I was only your friend for the True Hollywood Story.

“….gonna get there…I don’t know…”

The above references a break in consciousness or literary talent. Luke in ‘Cloud City’ camouflage wasn’t as confused at his future as I am now, and he was 20.
The only time the quasi-Peter Gibbons environment really gets to me, is when the harmony of the universe if effected. RE: tonight.
Here is the conversation that happens when * statements occur:

*No worries man, you’ll get ‘em next time/not our night/must be something in the rack

You, fair reader are not reading this for the first time in English so translation is not needed. I do ask of you for the following: please understand that there is a breed of us in the cubicle world that need either:
a) Extreme tranquilizers
b) Extreme tranquilizers and a Xbox 360
Please give where you can.

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Blogger Train said...

Just like Frazier Crane. The Lodge is Listening. Nothing like a little therapy to give us perspective, I’ll never let my dream of jedi Academy glory die!!

Thu May 21, 11:26:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

I saw Ian Ziering at The Griddle in Hollywood when I was visiting my apartment last week. He had some skinny, young arm candy that probably wasn't eating (since everything in that joint has portions for 2 and is amazingly fatty delicious).

Fri Jun 12, 05:38:00 PM PDT  

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