Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Introducing your new Seahawk TE.

Some of you may know the name (only if you drafted him as a fantasy TE)

On Tuesday, the Seahawks addressed their tight end situation by signing 12-year veteran Marcus Pollard, an unrestricted free agent, to a one-year contract. He will team with Will Heller, who is the blocking TE. (Dont be surprised if the Hawks re-sign Ryan Hannum, relased by Dallas a few days ago as a third TE...you heard it here 1st). While not a West coast Offense TE, he did learn the Tom Moore system in Indy. Last year he only had 12 catches for Detroit after having 46 the year before. What was the differance you ask? Mike Martz was the OC. His schemes dont utilize the TE.
This is an interesting signing.
1) The Hawks only signed him to a 1 year contract. Look for them to either draft a TE or be heavy in Free Agency next year
2) He is solid, not flashy. But he can probably get you 30-35 catches, 400yds and 3-4 TD's. Not spectacular but they are better than Stevens career avarages with "potential" He is 6-3 247, solid blocker. And has not been caught driving "Nate Newton Style"
This avoids a long term investment in a big ??? with Stevens. Are you willing to pony up 5 years 30 mill for him? I like the 1 year deal for Pollard. Probably just under 2 mill. This gives them additional cap room for the draft and for the post June 1st cuts.


Blogger Unknown said...

3 things stood out to me in this announcement (brought to you by the one and only Jeff "Mother Goose" Serling):

1: You just couldn't let the Stevens incident go by without mentioning Nate Newton (also your endearing nickname for my pug dog). Love that.

2: I love that The Seattle Times posted a copy of Stevens Arrest Report online today. God bless the internet.

3: Don't think the Seahawks are done. I read a couple of days ago that the Tennessee Titans released there oft-injured but talented LG Zach Piller. I'd bet they make one more move and throw Piller a one year low risk contract to see if he's healthy enough to shore up the left side.

Tue Mar 13, 09:50:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Goose said...

This definately saved them a big chunk of Cap Room. Pillar might not be a bad call. Again remember the June 1st date. This is the next big Free Agency date. (After the draft)

This date Veterens can be released, and their cap hit can be prorated of two seasons instead of one. This is when you see big name veterens hit the Market (Grant Wistrom is not officially released until June 1st for Example...although he is been granted permission to shop his services)

This will be a big time for OL DL and CB

Wed Mar 14, 06:48:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Speaking of the draft. We should have a Lodge gathering, complete with Brunch/Lunch and bashing whoever the Broncos pick. I think this needs to be the next get together.

Oh, and Dude, Jimbo, Casey & Devo need to go sign up for the Lodge pool. Do it!

Wed Mar 14, 10:57:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

M. Pollard was a staple in my Fantasy Roster from '01-'04 while being a favorite of Super Bowl MVP P-E-Y in the Red Zone...I think this could be THE most important signing of the off-season...Holmgren/Hasselback=Must Have Steady TE Play=Success, conversly, Jerramy Stevens has always=Very Baggy Pants....

NFL...365 days a year...

Wed Mar 14, 11:00:00 AM PDT  
Blogger seatownshawn said...

Speaking of gatherings....I'm taking my last final for the quarter tomorrow night.....so I'm in for a '21st Century Portrait' viewing with pints/pizza/what have you anytime next week.....


Wed Mar 14, 12:28:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Goose said...

Did 2.0 just mention getting together for Brunch?

Wed Mar 14, 12:31:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

No, getting together for the draft... with food (ala breakfast, lunch, or the infamous brunch) always a good idea.

Wed Mar 14, 12:35:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

In his defense he did you Lunch to preface..but you are correct...Brunch has been broughtn'

Wed Mar 14, 12:35:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Goose said...

Wow Joe. Can we have Quiche? Maybe a little Eggs Florantine?

Wed Mar 14, 12:49:00 PM PDT  
Blogger seatownshawn said...

OK....maybe not then.

It really is too bad about J-Steve though. So good...but so bad. It's a damn shame.

I'll bet Joey Porter fell over when he heard the news....

Wed Mar 14, 03:39:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

CTown...I have no life and watch entirely too much Futbol...so the thought of drinking beers and watching 21st Century Portrait scored by my favorite group is something you don't even have to ask me...I would ultimately like to time it in with an actual match...say Champions League...Tuesday and Wednesday April 3rd and 4th...but, I have no qualms about Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of next week...

You have the number and the email...the power is in your hands...

Wed Mar 14, 03:53:00 PM PDT  
Blogger seatownshawn said...

I just don't really wanna wait that long I guess....

Wed Mar 14, 04:18:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Train said...

I know the Lodge gets together every Thursday... So we should just plan it for next week on Thursday.

Wed Mar 14, 04:39:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

I can't do Thursday due to Date Night with the misses. But Wednesday night looks groovy for me.

And Goose, I'll bring Quiche for the Lodge NFL Draft Party. Believe it.

Wed Mar 14, 11:32:00 PM PDT  

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