Wednesday, March 14, 2007

WTF Seattle

I'm going to talk about something that all adults love: PoLiTiCs...

So apparently we love to not make any decisions in Seattle. We love to take things that are smart and good, plan on them, and then not follow through at all. We build things that nobody asks and ignore things that should be asked for. Can we just please tear this motherf****er down!?!

Where's my monorail? Where's my ferry system? Where are the hoverboards!?! Where is the pristine waterfront?

But no, Seattle voters said NO & NO. No means no. Did we get that yet? But that's a double negative and that means null. So voters of Seattle you are all null until we allow our autocrat Mayor Nickels to impose his will on the city like a Tammany Hall man really should.

What dreams may come though lodgers for the future of our city?

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Blogger Casey said...

For the record...I don't want a frakking tunnel. It'll take way too long to build and it'll cost way too much.

Wed Mar 14, 07:10:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree. I voted for the elevated replacement bridge, and not the tunnel.

One word... earthquakes. The earth is a tricky beast. It's not the smartest thing to build an underground tunnel 100 feet from the Puget Sound that shares a major fault. Science. Don't front, yo.

My wife, she voted yes on both due to the logic that we need any alternative to nothing. I like her enthusiasm. But I just no that the best structural engineering in the world can't stop an earthquake. Or Magneto, for that matter.

Wed Mar 14, 11:29:00 PM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thu Mar 15, 08:05:00 AM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

clear the waterfront, clear the traffic, kill the viaduct, and rebuild this... because we're twice as smart as the people of shelbyville.

Thu Mar 15, 08:12:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. The Simpsons are like 206 Prophets.

Thu Mar 15, 09:21:00 AM PDT  
Blogger theDUKE said...

and WTF, Jimmy Hart went to law school?!

Thu Mar 15, 10:56:00 AM PDT  
Blogger ExportRyan said...

I am going with Joe on this, his people know sub-sea level building.

If we build that tunnel he will be up all night with is Dutch Sense tingling, ready to plug any holes with his finger.

Sun Mar 18, 01:15:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

one word=imaginary-sky-bridge-capable-of-allowing-just-my-car (that was my write in vote)

Mon Mar 19, 09:20:00 AM PDT  

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