Monday, March 19, 2007

Just an average night in Canadia

Here's the recap, apologies to Dude and Train, but this is why cameras and drink are a dangerous combination:


Blogger Train said...

Oh, how I loved you Irish Meghan...

Mon Mar 19, 01:46:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

I thought some of the "Others" should've been involved in the photo-essay...too bad the Dan-from-Leeds shot didn't come out a little better...

Mon Mar 19, 01:51:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Goose said...

Ummmmm riiiight...Im not sure if I can be friends with you guys anymore. That last picture...jeez I have a family and a future to think about. Dear God Train that picture will haunt you someday....

Mon Mar 19, 01:51:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Train said...

The picture was a social commentary on the liberal aspects of Whistler night... Then The Dude had do go and attack me...

In all honesty.. I have no idea that picture was taken nor do I remember any envolvement... It had to be photo-shopped.

Mon Mar 19, 01:59:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

It was right after you ran from the Mounties... now does the pic ring a bell?

Mon Mar 19, 02:10:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Train said...

I do remember the mounties..... I just was doing what any good Mexican would have done...

Mon Mar 19, 02:24:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jimbo said...

Just be glad that there was one photo that was not added to the Snapfish gallery...

Mon Mar 19, 03:24:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Train said...

I might still need to have visual proof that the "photo" you speak of has been incinerated

Mon Mar 19, 03:40:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just because it's not going to the Snapfish gallary doesn't mean it's been destroyed, little Train.

Mon Mar 19, 06:03:00 PM PDT  

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